Haunting of the Innocent
Haunting of the Innocent
| 01 February 2014 (USA)
Haunting of the Innocent Trailers

Tom and Brenda have the perfect life but when Brenda is violently attacked in the comfort of their home, their perfect lives are thrown into chaos and fear.


There are a few worse flicks I've seen, so I rate this putrid film 2/10. The only part I enjoyed was the lead feller carving into his chest with a pair of scissors, but that wasn't even clearly shown, unfortunately. Actors mumbled much of the time and the DVD has no subtitles, so I missed much of the dialogue; it didn't make any real difference, for the "plot" is as thin as a moth's wing, like the talent of the moviemakers responsible for this crud. The young actor who played the som may have a future: I felt he acted rather well, given the script he was presented with. My advice? AVOID THIS FILM !! 2/10.

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The movie was grossly disturbing!! The movie has nudity, which is gross and ALWAYS uncalled for!!!!!! It has a poorly, awful made movie; the story DOES NOT make sense, it was horribly written!! The sexual acts in the movie were COMPLETELY disturbing and ALWAYS UNCALLED FOR! I don't want to see ANY TYPE of sexual acts because it's disturbing and EXTREMELY uncomfortable! The story was stupid, didn't make sense, and is the worst movie EVER MADE! If anybody ever saw this movie in the theaters, they wasted money and time watching the movie because it is TRASH and should NEVER be put in the stores because it's HORRIBLE!! Don't watch it!! And by the way, it wasn't EVEN SCARY!!!!! It was poorly made, it was NEVER SCARY, it was just disturbing ALL THE WAY ROUND!!!!!!!

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First sign of cheap are no subtitles. Second sign are opening scenes from an overhead or aerial view of car driving on road and either countryside or city. Third sign is the ubiquitous raven that seems to show up every where - perched here, perched there and of course at the end. What it means - who knows. Now if it was filmed on the west coast it would be a crow then that would mean looking for scraps like a flying rat. Fourth sign is overbearing sound effects and music. Fifth sign is the "mysterious woman" who suddenly shows up in the background and sometimes jumps to show up in the next scene foreground. Trite, boring, overused. Sixth sign are the townsfolk - not quite sure about them, we are. Especially when one of them says "Get out while you can!" then coughs up black blood. Seventh sign are the high pitched sounds that seem to effect certain brains. As for the movie - someone dies and the townsfolk are in on it and it has something to do with Viking spirits from long ago or something.

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This is some of the worst most despicable garbage piece of crap I've ever seen. There is literally no red-line between the start and the ending... not to mention everything in between. The films starts out with a rape that is almost immediately forgotten. From there we jump back and forth between instances of present and future. The family needs to recuperate so they decide to leave for a while. Everything looks interesting so far...But then the rape is almost immediately forgotten or at the very least just forced to step aside because apparently it turns out that the rape clearly only served as a 1: way to get our main characters to a particular location which apparently they were destined to reach due to some very misplaced and outrageously looney version of ancient belief. I'll get to that. 2: so that our female 'protagonist' discovers she's a lesbian, she loves being raped, she enjoys being violated. Apparently the writer has issues he's trying to deal with by writing this. And finally 3: All in all it turns out that this family is apparently descendants of some ancient viking lineage which makes no freaking sense for various reasons (vikings never settled first of all, they never went that far west..and so on and on) and whats worse is the fact that this mythological Norse belief is being portrayed as devil worship, blood drinking and such.A viking who died wrongfully or something ends up taking possession of the male protagonist and that is when the irregular roaring and raping begins. His wife who's been raped earlier tries to get some time off and as a result of that the male won't take no for an answer so we get a very uncomfortable rape scene...in slow motion I might add...with roaring, flashbacks of screaming bloodied viking looking fellas...and...yea. Thats that. Shortly afterwards the dialog is followed up by a: I want to help you. As you can see there is no red-line at all. Nothing makes any sense at all.Eventually our male protagonist tries to destroy this entity by mysteriously figuring out where the body of this ancient viking is and that is when the craziness continues. The guy excavates the skeleton, dumps gasoline all over it, grabs a sword also found there, forces it into the dry sand soil and(horrible CGI explosion) the gasoline catches fire when being hit by sword. No sparks... just bad directing.. This doesn't do anything though because the dead viking keeps on taking control, speaking with a demonic voice, carving what looks like x x x x stitch marks into the chest of the male...for no apparent reason either..No explanation to any of this by the way...Then directly afterwards, literally, the male protagonist, while the female protagonist is getting it on with some 1000 year old witch character who killed the viking fella who's now the ghost who haunts the male, ....yea...Lesbo action..sounds nice right...its not. Its non-sensical and just out of nowhere just like everything else. It's disgusting and outrageous due to how the film started out. Anyway..the husband is back in the city where he follows up on some business deal with his CEO and mistress. Just like that I might add... He gets a new job, they decide to celebrate by going to a hotel. Then the son calls him and he breaks off the entire thing with one sentence that sums up how non- sensical this gargage is: "My family needs me" That comes from a guy who's currently half naked on in a hotel with a completely naked woman... That ends like that...he returns...then he's betrayed by his entire family and a lot of cultist looking fellas show up. Then the really utterly confusing and ridiculous part begins...I'm not exaggerating one bit when saying that. He's literally saying stuff like: "I took up the runes..screaming I took them." We didn't see that or anything like that either.Then he said: "I know that I hung on a windy tree" Again..that we didn't see or hear anything about either...no context... no information... no nothingUltimately the son grabs a knife and stabs the male(father) in the chest. Then they drink his blood and the film ends... Again... just like thatThe End.There is ABSOLUTELY NO CONTEXT WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!! There is NOTHING!! NOTHING tying the beginning and the ending together. This is it. No visible plot, no context, no information given about anything. One could even argue they make a mockery of that of being raped... Apparently to this m o r o n writer women like to be raped on some deep subconscious level. There is a lot more to be said but I just can't keep going. I had to point all this out because while the other review are absolutely correct, they held back certain key factors of information. All in all this film is a COMPLETE MESS! It takes the meaning of messy screen play writing to the next level. Nothing makes sense in this 'film.' It is purely frustrating to watch and the final ending of this horror show will just tick you off even more which could also serve as a closing statement from the director and writer themselves. A statement thats goes like something like this: Thanks for your money. F U C K you. Thats it people. Don't watch this...It's not even worth watching to see what I'm talking about..its not even worth watching to see what bad film making is all about (maybe it is, its a perfect example actually) it's not even worth paying any attention to in whatever way. This is just pure messy garbage without any point or purpose. STAY AWAY! I am NOT kidding. You have been warned.

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