Haunted House on Sorority Row
Haunted House on Sorority Row
| 21 February 2014 (USA)
Haunted House on Sorority Row Trailers

A fledgling sorority has just purchased their new home, but the inexpensive beat up house has a history no one could imagine. Now as they move in and continue their college lives something evil is making itself known by affecting their minds... and bodies.

Shawn Jones

This a micro budget horror flick that delivers on all fronts. The low budget is used to it's advantage to provide a creepy nightmarish vibe. The cinematography is generally quite sharp, and when it fallers, it just adds to the mood. Is the acting rough at times? Sure, but that's part of its hook that lulls you in expecting cheap exploitation, and turning those expectations right on their ear. The lead actress is very strong, and I expect to see her more often in the future. Effects are used sparingly, but are all convincing. Also with noting is the over saturation of nudity in horrific situations to creep the audience out. There is gratuitous nudity off all kinds, but in the nightmarish situations it accents the scenes with a sense of taboo dread. The flick also knows not to wear out its welcome, and it's breezy running time lets the flick get in and out, taking care of the twists and scares efficiently and effectively, proof that the most interesting horror is coming from micro budget filmmakers.

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I totally loved it. Henrique Couto hit this one out of the park. If you do not like independent films you have not seen this one. The only way I can imagine it better would to have seen it at the big screen. The acting was top notch. The actresses not only beautiful but extremely talented. I strongly require mend going out and picking up a copy.This Dayton based cast and crew can hold their own against Hollywood Blockbuster. I can only imagine what Couto could do with the massive major motion pitcher budget. I expect to see great things from Couto in the future. And the same from this awesome cast. Without giving any spoilers all I can say is this is a must see movie.

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In an average year easily I see over 100 films and some films will be incredible and others; others not so much. After venturing out this past weekend to watch the latest creation by director Henrique Couto I felt the need to write a review of the film. First off I need to mention that the entire budget for this film was less than what is thrown away at the end of lunch for the average craft services table. The previous statement will be explained shortly. Is this a handicap for mister Couto? Absolutely not. This is not the first film I have seen by Henrique, but it far and away the best. I could continue to write adding platitudes in an attempt to convince you the reader that this film deserves your attention, but that may or may not convince you so I will just say this. The feeling he creates in this film is more unsettling at times than many of the big budget film to come out of the Hollywood movie factories. The micro-budget forces him to look for ways to "get you" that does not rely on the special FX. He uses common household items and awkward timing to create his very successful scares.One change to Henrique's formula is enlisting an outside source to write the screenplay. Screenwriter John Oak Dalton created a twisted plot that was very enjoyable ride. After watching the film I am left to wonder if he had some childhood trauma he is not telling us about. I now feel the need to back and find other films he had his hand in to see if I can find an answer to this question. Erin R. Ryan is as always wonderful in the very creepy take on Sherrie and Haley Madison as Melissa was a better roll for her than when last I saw her and she ran with it. In the acting department there were in fact no weak points, but there was a certain "Gentleman" that stole the show. Those who saw the film know who I am talking about. Mr. Widing takes a bow. So as not to give away any plot points (I hate it when people do that) I will say that Eric was far and away the best part in a great film. I hate having to wait to see this film again till sometime later this year with its DVD release, but wait I will. This film just flat out fun to watch.

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An excellent blend of horror and comedy. The background music gave it an 80s feel at times which fits with the type of movie, this would definitely have fit right in with other 80s horror movies (aka the best era of horror). There was a more psychological horror than physical horror and they nailed it perfectly, allowing you to watch as the characters slowly unravel into insanity.Similar to a lot of horror movies of this type, the movie was lacking in the male department as the focus was more on the girls. There were only 3 guys total and each was very different. Joe Kidd is just a small supporting role but he did well. Eric Widing was a typical frat-boy douche who you could tell had a blast acting in that way! Mike Hilinski played a normal guy who is trying to look good for a girl he's crushing on. I could definitely relate to his character, getting annoyed at the douche friend who was acting out and making him look bad.All the females were great, with different personalities for each. I've seen too many horror movies where all the females are written as generic and stereotypical but definitely not here.I enjoyed how the writing did not seem forced for the actors. The dialog was very casual and something you could expect yourself to say in those situations. Sometimes in horror movies there will be excessive cursing simply to have cursing, but that was not the case here.Only complaint? Who in their right mind tries to get spaghetti from a pot with a normal spoon?!? That's the most I can complain!

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