Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare
Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare
| 05 May 2006 (USA)
Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare Trailers

It is 200 years before the birth of Christ and Rome is the new superpower of the ancient world. She believes she is invincible - but one man is destined to change that. He is a man bound by oath to avenge the wrongs inflicted on his home and, in pursuit of revenge, he will stop at nothing. Hannibal explores the man behind the myth, revealing what drove the 26-year-old to mastermind one of the most audacious military moves in history. With 40,000 soldiers and 37 elephants, he marched 1,500 miles to challenge his enemies on their own soil. It was an act so daring that few people believed it possible.

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I have a bad habbit comparing everything about the ancient world these days to Gladiator, which is fictional but one testosterone bomb of a movie, with insane effect and a Russel Crowe with an aura that would make him the roman equalliant to the legendary Erwin Rommel if he was a general in old rome for real.But as a documentary rather than a big budget fictional Hollywood-movie, Alexander Sidding fits the role of Hannibal well and I was very satisfied with the outcome of this film, even though the roman players were not much to brag about. But its fantastic they finally make a REALISTIC movie, where telling the true story are in focus! Why invent a bullshit story when we have so many real stories to make movies about? Fact is often more amazing than fiction! I got what i hoped for and a good lesson in history, although I wish the movie had dwelled more with everyday life in Carthage. The name Hannibal means "son of Baal", Baal being an acronym for the god we all know as Satan, which could be interesting to dwell with.But it is a movie i definitely will have in my movie collection. Absolutely. It will not get a 10 as Gladiator, but an good 7. 3 from the the top 10 for not having Riddley Scot to make the scenery, plus all the roman actors should get sacked, and we should have Russel Crowe as Scipio Africanus instead! Now that would be one hell of a movie..

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This is an epic documentary and fiction film released by History channel . Hannibal history is imaginatively brought to the life on impressive images with great production values by thousands of extras and state-of-the-art FX , including computer generator shots , recreating faithfully his army with 40,000 soldiers and 37 elephants . Sword cross , drama and documentary abound in this spellbinding adaptation on audacious Hannibal existence , one of the most glorious military in the History .Hannibal (Alexander Siddig) made an oath in the presence his father , Amilcar Barca , to revenge the injustice inflicted on his country , Charthago .His sons Hannibal, Mago (Hamada) and Asdrubal gather together for battling the Romans . It was an act so daring that few people believed it possible . Hannibal broke the ¨statu quo¨, he crossed river Ebro, the natural frontier between the Roman power and the Charthaginian and he attacked Sagunto allied of Roma , causing the second Punic war . The mastermind Charthaginian commander going on crossing the Pyrinees and Alps with a colossal Army : 5o.ooo military,9.ooo horses and 37 elephants transported from Africa . He marched 1,500 miles to challenge his enemies on their own soil . Hannibal vanquished the Roman Army in several battles : Trevia (218) , lake Trasimeno (217) which caused a great commotion and Roma appointed a Dictator named Favio Maximus (Ben Cross) . Finally ,the Romans suffered the greatest defeat : Cannas(216) . Then , it was appointed the commander Publio Cornelius Scipion (Rob Dixon) who achieved defeat the Charthaginians and he took Cartago Nova and Gades and beheaded to Asdrúbal , whose head was sent his brother Hannibal . While , Hannibal hoped reinforcements from Chartago , Publio Cornelio Escipion the African disembarked in Africa and threaten Chartago . Then , Hannibal returned to Africa for confronting against Escipion . And Hannibal was ultimately defeated in Zama (202) , in spite of getting a most numbered Army . He flees and takes refuge under king Antioco III in Syria and he , posteriorly , committed suicide.This TV movie , though semi-documentary and historical research , is well played by an excellent plethora of fine British actors . Alexander Siddig as Hannibal is magnificent, he is usual in costumer roles , in a Lawrence of Arabia (1991 with Ralph Fiennes) version played king Feisal ; besides , he played in Kingdom of heaven , Reign of fire and Syriana (as the Oriental prince). The famed actor Ben Cross (Chariots of fire) plays splendidly as Favio Máximo . The prestigious secondary actor Kenneth Cranham actuates as voice narrator in off . The movie will appeal to people enamored with historic event and epic feats.

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A great story and a match made in heaven you'd think considering the Beebs past efforts. Despite its scholarly pretensions though this one's a real clunker. Hanibal starts out promisingly. Soon in though face off between the whiny and diminutive Hanibal and the extremely over acted Roman envoy set the tone. The writing is just awful and when in a strategic meeting Hannibal refers to 'France' and 'Spain' rather than 'Gaul' and 'Iberia' then you know this isn't gonna bit the usual BBC highbrow standards.The battle scenes in HD compensate for the toe curlingly bad dialogue though, especially those of the elephants charging collumns of Romans. (altough in reality only one elephant made it alive over the alps.)A good effort on the technical side. Now if only can marry the folks at the beeb who knock out the quality stuff with these guys we could be in for some epic TV.

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Rome's worst nightmare Hannibal Barca (Alexander Siddig) man who was born to defeat Romans. A nice epic movie based on true story of Carthage's one of the finest military commander Hannibal Barca, he marched an army, which famously included war elephants, from Iberia over the Pyrenees and the Alps into northern Italy, Man who defeated roman army in their homeland Italy in series of battles out of which the most famous included the Battles of Trebia, Trasimene and Cannae, he stayed undefeated for over an decade in Italy till he was called back to secure his homeland Carthage after roman invasion. A very interesting movie for people who likes Epic Battles. Alex Siddig truly rocks in this movie.

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