Halo: The Fall of Reach
Halo: The Fall of Reach
| 27 October 2015 (USA)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Trailers

Relive the origin of the legendary Master Chief and the Spartan program in this three-part animated adaptation of one of Halo's most beloved stories. Kidnapped as children and conscripted into a brutal military training and augmentation program, the Spartans were designed to be the ultimate weapon against chaos and insurgency - but when a dangerous alien alliance known as the Covenant declares war on humanity, the Spartans might be our only hope.

Ersbel Oraph

Watching the Western fantasies about the future and it clicks: the Western future society is far worse than any non Western threat, including the recent Islamist scare. Halo is about a platonic society of numbers where there is no personality, only the body, an ant hill ready to battle nobody knows what.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch

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While I agree with some that the graphics are not important, a lot of emotion was left out of this story because of that lack of graphics. There is also blame for this on the voice acting, but perhaps the actors themselves realized there wasn't much to go on. Look, I for one am not one of those "the book was better" people, but in this case they forgot key points from the book altogether. If you wish to understand, read this excerpt from the book that talks about a cave drill in chapter 8 page 67. http://s3.amazonaws.com/szmanuals/dda956e6212b5299176ca2678f51bad8. In just this one excerpt it shows the emotion that was missing, the level of teamwork that was missing, and just how impressive they were after the augmentation. Watch it if you like, I give them a soft 4 for effort, but this movie was seriously lacking in all areas. If you have the imagination, stick with the book.

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(Note - this review has some spoilers)The Halo movies aren't usually that bad so I thought this one might have 'improved' from the last. However, I've seen better animation and rendering in a late 90's video game than this movie!From the start you watch 6 year old kids getting beaten up - it's just plain unpleasant and unnecessary. John (who becomes Master Chief) is totally unbelievable - almost schizophrenic in his character; one minute he can be slaughtering those who annoy him and then suddenly become the most caring soldier on the block.The 'story' slightly reminds me of Enders Game with John being a very pale-in-comparison 'Ender'. But there's just nothing to like about him or any of the characters. The whole movie consists of short cut- scenes based on the sacrifice of kids as they grow up. It's just plain morose from beginning to end.I haven't watched such a shallow, wooden, stiff, badly animated cartoon such as this for a long time. I usually love sci-fi but you'd have to be a dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard, Halo lover to give this movie any rating above 1!I seriously wasted my money on this one.

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What the first reviewer obviously doesn't realize is that this episode was based on the novel, written by Eric Nylund, "Halo: The Fall of Reach" in 2001. Excuse me when I say that this guy is flat out wrong saying "there is barely any shred of production value of the game here". This wasn't meant to resemble the games but more what we read in the book and saw in Halo: Legends, However there are some cameos that relate back to the game.I love how Said reviewer goes on to say that most of the chiefs actions are military-oriented, Which is only part true since there are so many examples when he is not, in a military-oriented series... Now lets talk about the visuals, I had no issue with them, but this is a different age where everything has to look like "quality equivalent to today's game cut scenes" as he says.He fails to realize yet again that the action sequences ("formulaic sequences like those in Universal Soldier films") are almost identical to the ones in the book and are nowhere near the cliché "Universal soldier films". To me Halo has always been a, come for the awesome game play and stay for the lore. Obviously I wouldn't expect some hardcore gamer who only cares about KDR to look at this. However when you say that the "Low quality" will most-likely upset gamers, I will make an account for the first time on IMDb just to write a review explaining how wrong you are.In my own personal opinion this is as true to Halo as it gets and I would definitely recommend a viewing as I was brought back to when I read the book a few years ago. In terms of visuals, like I said before, It reminded me of Halo: Legends and even a lot of the scenes in that looked worse than what people are making this out to be. The narration is also top notch as you'll notice through-out and I could not be more pleased. I feel like one thing that could be improved upon if anything, is the facial animations but even that has a particular style I suppose. Halo: The Fall of Reach is definitely a nice addition to any Halo fans collection and I would also like to apologize for going off on a rant if this what you would like to call it, I was just logically disapproving of another persons deception and ignorant statements, and who chooses to be unstudious about what he reviews.

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