Gore from Outer Space
Gore from Outer Space
| 01 January 2001 (USA)
Gore from Outer Space Trailers

A mother is accused of murdering her daughter but when she tells her tale, things don't seem to make sense. Her husband says they have no daughter, there's a psychic that can trace phone calls, a blonde who sings the US anthem, a house with no bathroom, some Lynchian dream sequences, aliens, breeding experiments, very quirky FBI agents, and some other random events.

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I'm not sure what the heck I just watched. It seems to be a series of non-sequiter gags based on UFO abductions or maybe a parody on the X-Files. I guess it is a sequel to some other movie.The plot is that a woman named Satomi has a daughter who is abducted, but maybe she wasn't abducted at all. Or her mother might be an alien. Or she gets reincarnated as a spider. Or something, I was totally confused by the end of it.I'm really thinking that there is some cultural thing here that I might be missing, but I've watched other Japanese films, which while not nearly as good as American films, do seem to contain some internal plot logic.I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a comedy, a horror movie, or a sci-fi movie, or just the brain drippings of a deranged Japanese director.

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