Going Highbrow
Going Highbrow
NR | 23 August 1935 (USA)
Going Highbrow Trailers

A ditzy wife yearns to join "high society" when she and her husband become suddenly wealthy. Comedy.


Every once in awhile I discover an actor that is a revelation. I've seen him or her in other roles but wasn't impressed enough to notice. Watching Ross Alexander I saw a likable, energetic, impressive singer. He puts Dick Powell to shame. After reading his bio I see why he never became a star. What a pity. When he and Edward Everett Horton do their patter songs it's impossible not to smile, stop the DVD and replay them. It was also nice to see Sazu Pitts in a glamor role. At 41 she could play frumps and spinsters 'til the cows come home. This one let her look her best. (If you've never seen her in a Von Stroheim film you don't know how good she could look when properly photographed.) The story is nothing. But the interaction of the characters is extremely well done. If you love 1930s character actors as I do, be sure to catch this film the next time it's on TCM.

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Not as bad as some here say. A tremendous showcase for Edward Everett Horton. His talking/singing duets with Ross Alexander are marvels of comic timing. Horton was in many better films than this, but few that showcased his talent as vividly. Ross Alexander has several scenes where he carries himself with great poise and comic sophistication. There is evidence here he could have been a stylish leading man had he not killed himself. Little known June Martel is surprisingly fetching as diner waitress, though she fades a little when masquerading as a debutant. The story construction is awful in this film but there is some snappy dialogue. In the end a must-see for Horton's and Alexander's musical numbers.

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Neil Doyle

Even the presence of EDWARD EVERETT HORTON who is at his flustered best, can't save this innocuous little comedy from being a total bore.ROSS Alexander's career never did materialize as Warner Bros. hoped, and this film must be one of the reasons why. He's the spoiled rich boy in a girl meets boy story striving for a Cinderella touch, since the girl is a poor waitress posing as the daughter of a rich couple so that they can mingle with high society.Nothing works, not even the idea of a waitress disguised as a rich girl. ZaSu PITTS and GUY KIBBEE are the wealthy couple and JUNE MARTEL plays the hapless girl, making no impression at all.Even for a programmer, it's a total waste of time.

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"All in all, "Going Highbrow" (1935) is a pretty good post production code comedy although its rather fragmented structure works against efforts to make it a unified story.Cora (Zasu Pitts) and Matt (Guy Kilbee) Upshaw are hicks from Wellington, Kansas who accidentally made big money at the start of the stock market crash. Matt's broker misunderstood Matt's instructions and invested all his money in put (sell) options for a single stock, the total opposite of Matt's intentions. After the price declined no one exercised their options to buy and Matt got to keep all the proceeds. Matt is still simple and unpretentious but Cora is determined to crash New York's "Society 400" list. The "nouveau riche" Upshaws enlist the old money (but none left) Marsh family to introduce Cora to the proper people. Part of the scheme involves hiring struggling actress Sandy Long (June Martel) to play Cora's daughter. This sets up an extremely lame romance between Martel and Ross Alexander, who plays the Marsh son. Edward Everett Horton plays Augie Winterspoon, the Marsh's financial adviser. He tries valiantly to link the story elements together. The soon to be famous singer, yodeler, cowgirl Judy Canova does a nice job in a small supporting part as Sandy's coworker."Going Highbrow" is a must see for fans of Zasu Pitts as she dominates the first half of the film with a somewhat different variation on her airhead character. Instead of her usual scatterbrain adventures she plays a self-absorbed social climber, but still manages to infuse the role with her usual comic touches. Pitts was one of the few comedians whose gift for dialogue and expression was effectively complemented by a talent for physical comedy. Because her technique has never gone out of style, her films (including this one) do not seem nearly as dated as other productions from the same time period. Credit Una Merkel, Gloria Grahame, Goldie Hawn, and Brittany Murphy with keeping the Pitts' style alive down though the years.Horton is almost young looking in this film but has already developed most of the comedic touches he would apply to countless character roles during his long career. He really has too much screen time and during the second half you keep wishing for more of Pitts who effectively disappears from the second half of the film. Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.

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