| 31 October 2009 (USA)
Gnaw Trailers

In this dark, tongue in cheek, British Horror, six friends take a holiday in the heart of the English countryside which turns into a culinary nightmare when they discover that their hosts are a sadistic family of cannibals, set on turning their guests into their next meal! It's nice to have your friends for dinner

Scott LeBrun

The legacy of "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" continues with this UK production that has much juicy violence to satisfy gore lovers but little else. When all is said and done, this really doesn't bring anything different to the party. It's best recommended to those horror fans that just want some undemanding thrills. The story has a group of young British folk taking a vacation at a secluded country home who are then victimized by the local savage, who loves to turn human beings into chopped meat. They dwindle in number quickly mainly because none of them are too bright. Granted, some of them are likable enough. At the very least, the screenplay shows that all of them are fair game; there are no guarantees of anybody's survival. That doesn't change the fact that this is all very thinly written and routinely directed. The movie depends a little too much on its shock value and its overdone jump scares. It does create some effective atmosphere from being set in the real country. The soundtrack is a good counter balance to the grim and sadistic goings-on throughout. There are some nice touches on occasion, such as things being shown from the perspective of a character who's been blind-folded, and the choice of mask for our antagonist, which is somewhat creepy. Production design and widescreen cinematography are impressive, the pacing adequate enough. But what few assets there are can't really make up for a familiar premise and presentation, right down to the ending. The performances by most everybody involved are nothing special, save for the delicious scenery chewing (or maybe I should say gnawing) of Carrie Cohen as Mrs. Obadiah. All in all, this is one gore fest you can safely skip unless you just can't get enough of this sort of thing. Five out of 10.

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There are 2 sets of reviews for this flick. The first, obvious batch, is from those involved with making it, they give it incredible raves. Those have been rightfully called out for being bogus.What I do not understand are those who have made this out to be one of the worst horror flicks ever. It's not even close to being that bad.Come on, any horror fan who decides to watch this flick knows exactly what they are going to be viewing...a cinematic marriage of "Motel Hell" and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." As if any of the "Saw" sequels, or "Fridays the 13th" sequels, or "Halloween" sequels (except for #3) were going to offer something original and different? So why rag on this one for being derivative? Were you expecting "Inception"? As opposed to some other low-budget flicks I have seen, this one offers some pretty good cinematography and while the characters are fairly stereotypical, the acting is actually rather serviceable.This film does have a few very gory moments, including a tongue-removal (a la "Mark of the Devil"). But in many other scenes, the gore is mostly left off screen. I think this was partially due to budgetary constraints, but I didn't mind. I watch horror more to be scared, not to be completely nauseated.The major flaw I found with "Gnaw" was its essential incompleteness. Without giving too much away, was the vegetarian fed 'meat' in the captivity which the film suggests, but doesn't show? Her fate? Unresolved. Perhaps, intentionally. Also, why would someone find an elaborately painted fingernail in their dinner and not react? Shouldn't there have been a scene where the innocent victims suddenly have a realization about what they are eating, while they are eating? Not in this movie, where a cohort rushes in with a revelation that quickly overshadows the discovery.And yes, why on earth would the 3 not attempt an escape together? Having said all that, this film did deliver its share of creepiness.Was it as awful as some posters would have you believe? Naw.

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Six dumb, stereotypical friends go to the English Countryside for some drinking, sex and other activities. So, what's with the old lady and all the meat they've been getting? Oh, and look out for a bloodthirsty cannibal with a sheep skin covered mask."Eden Log", I congratulate you: you are no longer the worst horror flick I've seen this year. A poor attempt at doing a gory, tongue in cheek cannibal/slasher flick, "Gnaw" is a film that desperately wants to be a British answer to the "Wrong Turn" and "Hostel" films, as well as a British "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." That's fine and all, except it lacks the fun 70's/80's horror throwback aspect of the "Wrong Turn" flicks, as well as the Black Humor and Social Commentary of the "Hostel" movies and the choking atmosphere and claustrophobia of "Chainsaw." Hell, there's already a British answer to "Chainsaw"-it's called "Raw Meat", and it's much better than this movie.It also doesn't help that everything else falls flat. The Black Humor of the film is neither clever or interesting, while the attempts at more serious, dramatic moments are laughable at best. Plus, while there's plenty of gore, it's all so lethargic and monotonous-there's no energy to any of the violence or viscera on display, and it's a bore to sit through. Add to an twist so predictable it would be insulting to call it a twist, as well as an annoying score and poor acting, and you get a really bad horror flick that borders on unwatchable.On the plus side, at least the killer has a unique mask. In the end though, "Gnaw" isn't worth your time or consideration. For a better British Slasher flick, see Christopher Smith's movies "Creep" and the satirical "Severance" instead of this. For a better British Cannibal flick, see the aforementioned "Raw Meat" instead of this. Trust me, you're better off doing that.

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Matt Ryan

OK firstly, this has been done over and over and over in the past few years! How many times can we be subjected to the same old story and cliché characters?? A group of friends go for a holiday in a remote cottage in the middle of nowhere! Amongst the characters are the "Jerk", "Bitch", "Nice Guy" and "Misunderstood Girl" oh and we shouldn't forget the "Psycho Maniac"!!!! Jeez! Anyone that has seen Severance or The Cottage will have seen this without even knowing it! Basically it is just a combination of the 2 movies! One saving grace was the direction, it was pretty tight! If only the acting, story and characters could have been as good!

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