Ghost Game
Ghost Game
| 01 September 2005 (USA)
Ghost Game Trailers

7 Friends go out to cabin for a weekend of relaxing and find a game that should not be opened!


A supposed $200.000 budget? That's a laugh. This film looks like it was made on an iphone, which was often fogged over, or even has visible raindrops on it throughout the scene. Every stereotypical character imaginable is present and accounted for, and played by deservedly unknown actors, probably wearing their own clothing because of the film's nonexistent budget.The twenty-three producers probably bought their producer credit for $20, and an executive producer credit for $35. It took five screenwriters to dream this one up? Did they collaborate, or at least know what each other was writing? The plot was about ... oh, bloody hell, I could barely understand it, I was too distracted by the visible lighting equipment, crew-members walking into the frame, and checking out cute little Shelby Fenner, and her frequently visible panties, which changed colour in almost every cut. That was about the only thing which kept me watching.

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I'm just going to lay it out there, no holds barred. The whole "haha sexism" macho posturing thing does not save a movie from being poorly written and produced. It does not give every crappy movie unearned legitimacy. If anyone watching has half a brain and any semblance of self respect at all, they *will* see this trash for exactly what it is.It's one thing to make a low budget movie. But it's another to intentionally produce complete garbage with no redeeming value whatsoever.Everything is cheap. The costumes are cheap. They were probably in the bargain bin at Goodwill. The props are cheap. The plot device of sexism being interjected in every other sentence is cheap. The ghost make up is ripped from the cult classic Carnival of Souls, and therefore cheap. The setting and scenery looks like some backwoods camping retreat tolerated the camera crew long enough to get some free advertising and exposure. *Some* of the actors are competent, but whatever talent they bring is wasted on this piece of crap.This movie will not only offend women, but Goths, Wiccans/Neopagans or anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Greek mythology. They couldn't even bother to Google simple facts. They were "progressive" enough to cast a token black dude; then made his character so unlikable it was pointless. Oh and FYI - there is not really a game in this movie. It's just a piece of large construction paper scribbled with markers or crayon, burnt at the edges to make it look "spooky;" with a set of dice thrown around for no real reason. I laughed at the strong copyright warning on this. Who in the world would want to pass out DVDs of this rubbish, even for free? There is no real story, just the same regurgitated, banal, predictable "Teen horror movie" crap we see too much of already, only worse.

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Ben Oren is a literary Genius when it comes to this movie. I am surprised he is not famous yet. and i am serious. though ghost games is not the scariest movie it is one of the smartest indie movies i have seen and has a smart sense of humor. Though many people may not get the movie i believe the plot is funny and there are so many key quotes from the movie that i share with my friends. all in all i would love to see a Ben Oren movie on the big screen. I believe that he will succeed and though many people did not love this movie on the budget it was made i think it is wonderful. I can not wait to see what else this up and coming writer has to offer. If huge studios are putting out movies like Grandma's Boy and She's the Man i believe this educated young writer will do big things.

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Jumanji gone terribly wrong! Ohnoes!Go into this movie expecting a low budget, but hopefully creative film. Dialog's pretty funny and original. The acting is primarily very bad, but that's okay.The male actors are in fact so horrible that they cannot even stay in character or hold on to a believable emotion structure for even a few seconds. The girls seem more believable overall.The characters are fun, the dialog is funny, sometimes so bad its fun.I really liked the sundial concept that was pretty cool, more like a moon dial, or egg timer for the dark wiccans of doom! AHH!!!"I thought he was taking me to a spa..." That chick's death was pretty sweet.The movie was very low budget, we knew that, but at least it keeps you wondering what it's all about, which is more then I can say for a lot of other horror movies, which made this movie at least enjoyable.Sadly I think the people who rated this so low did so unforgiving of low budget movies. yes some of the plot and character cohesion was really bad. But conceptually, effect wise, music wise, honesty wise, it was pretty fun and kept me wanting to know what the hell was going to happen.

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