NR | 15 October 2010 (USA)
Gerrymandering Trailers

Gerrymandering is a 2010 documentary feature film written and directed by Jeff Reichert. The film explores the history and the ethical, moral and racial problems raised by redistricting, i.e., the drawing of boundaries of electoral districts in the United States.Gerrymandering covers the history of the redistricting practice, how it is used and abused, how it benefits the two major major political parties, Democrats and Republicans. The documentary draws on the perspectives from different individuals, reporters, pundits and politicians.


I was lucky enough to see this film at the Seattle International Film Festival and thought it was a powerful look at an important, but often hidden, element of the political process. The film shows how both major parties have used redistricting to their advantage, often preventing voters from having any real choice. It also follows a citizen initiative to make the redistricting process fairer in California. The director, Jeff Reichert, does a great job of making his points in a way that is both informative and entertaining, but without getting in your face the way some political documentaries can.This issue is particularly relevant now as a new round of redistricting will begin next spring once the census numbers are announced. The director stated in a Q&A after the film that he hopes to have the film in cinemas by October. I hope he succeeds and will be recommending this film to everyone I know.

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