Frost/Nixon: The Original Watergate Interviews
Frost/Nixon: The Original Watergate Interviews
| 04 May 1977 (USA)
Frost/Nixon: The Original Watergate Interviews Trailers

This program, culled from the over 28 hours of interview footage between Sir David Frost and U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, was originally broadcast in May of 1977. Never before, nor since, has a U.S. President been so candid on camera. Even more intriguing is the fact that Nixon agreed to appear on camera with no pre-interview preparation or screening of questions.


Absolutely riveting stuff. This is because of Frost's deep knowledge of the details of Watergate. It is clear he has spent months researching the events leading up to Nixon's resignation and of course the damning Oval office tapes. He appears to knows as much about the subject as Nixon,enabling him to probe little by little, setting out his opinion on Nixon's actions, how he has come to that opinion and inviting Nixon to disprove his opinion. Nixon never really does. Nixon comes across as a typical politician, never really accepting blame for his actions and unconvincingly setting out arguments in his defence. Worn down in the end and perhaps having a moment or two of clarity he gives as close to an apology as you could expect from a man in his position. The present day interview with Frost on the DVD set out the events surrounding the interviews. This is interesting given the recent movie based on the events.However, don't forget this interview took place very soon after Watergate so it was not necessary to do any scene setting for viewers. You will want to know your Erlichmann's from your Haldeman's and what happened when to fully understand what the protagonists are talking about.

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ksf-2 in a comment states we don't get to hear Mr. Nixon say 'if the President does's not illegal' I beg to differ. My comment regards the David Frost Interviews Richard Nixon two DVD set...the re-release of the interviews originally done in 1977 which is the set ksf-2 left comment upon. He states it was an entertaining hour and a half. The interviews feature two sections on the first DVD and three sections on the second. My word, this presentation runs at least 6 hours and it is all fascinating as it regards real events which are admittedly now historical. Besides discussing Watergate. Mr. Nixon whole Presidency is examined by Mr. Frost...the actual point to hear Mr. Nixon say 'if the President does's not illegal can be heard starting at the 35th minute on the first section 'War At Home and Abroad' of the second DVD. Plain as day. Absorbing.

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bob the moo

Recently I was fortunate enough to see a screening of Ron Howard's version of the Frost/Nixon play and, as much as I enjoyed it, it reminded me that I had never actually seen the interviews myself. They were, of course, in the part of my brain that houses collective wisdom so I knew that they were supposed to be shocking and be the interviews where Frost pushed Nixon all the way and got revelations out of him that Nixon never got close to saying again. Like I say – this was the collective wisdom of these interviews and so I decided to watch the PBS broadcast for myself – which is available on a DVD with an exclusive interview with Frost at the end of the main programme.The DVD could have done with a little more framing up front because the introduction to the original interview is a little sparse – naturally since the target audience needed no background. Born after these events and into a different country, I could have done with a little recap since most of my knowledge of these events come via films rather than works of straight journalism. Having said that, the films held me to some degree as they gave me at least a basic base of knowledge to work with, but those looking for this film to help them understand the context would be really advised to do some reading or the events and the times before they jump in here. It is important to understand context because otherwise the interviews seem very dry. There are no massive revelations, no fireworks that history has generally given the impression that there were –there are not these moments. Rather what the film is, is a series of carefully worded questions that dance Nixon one direction while he tries to avoid being moved in any one direction – this was well shown in Howard's film but it comes through here. This battle of wills is not electric (as some suggest) but it is fascinating because it does feel like a discussion and it stands out from the stage-managed interviews that Bush is currently doing on some of the networks.However, please don't get me wrong here because in a way the modern interviews do have a similar approach – Bush and Blair get pushed to answer and perhaps apologise but they are just better prepared for it. To a certain extent it does feel like Nixon was expecting a softer touch because he does allow the dance to take him at times, even if he never totally loses it or says something without heavy caveatting. There is, looking back, a rather unfortunate edge to the film that it does feel like a redemption for him in some ways and I'm not sure it is one he totally deserves, so yes he does get close to apology and conceding certain things but he does come out of it looking better than he did going in.The interview with Frost at the end of the film is quite useful and throws up the type of background that Howard's film gives you as well as the type of anecdotes that Frost has been pushing on the talk shows recently – it makes it interesting and is a useful addition to the piece. Overall though you will be here for the interview proper and that is engaging. It is never as amazing a confrontation as the general view of the films would suggest but it is still worth seeing as a piece of history, although my advice would be to make sure you know about Watergate and the events leading to Nixon's resignation BEFORE you come to these interviews if you wish to get the real good of them.

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David (DMP-2)

This is an excellent documentary. This answered a lot of the questions that people had about Richard Nixon's presidency. I will say the content of this documentary is excellent and very informative, it also made me appreciate Nixon's presidency much more, But it is very drawn out, 5 videos with a total of 6 hours can wear you out. I highly recommend seeing it (especially people who disliked Nixon's presidency). Really well done. A must see. I highly recommend it. It's pretty cheap on DVD now, I think. I really don't know what else to say, but I need to fill 10 lines which is kind of ridiculous, but OK. Still have not quite filled 10 lines.

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