Fox Tale
Fox Tale
| 08 May 2015 (USA)
Fox Tale Trailers

One day, Mr. Fox who is so proud of his tail mocks at Mr. Bunny's tiny tail. At that time, he got a dart from a mysterious hunter and lost his the most beloved tail. Mr. Fox is in panic, but he embarks on his journey to get his back.

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I liked "Fox Tale" and suggest you see it. However, because it's so short and it's only a student film, I won't give it a numerical score.The film begins with a fox reveling at his gorgeous tail and looking on with derision at the rabbit's rather pathetic tail. And, like the concept of Karma, soon the fox awakens to find that he's been captured by some human and his lovely tail has been removed! What's next? Just see the short.Doosun Shin made this film while a student at Ringling School of Art and Design here in Florida. It's a nice film in most every way--with a clever sense of humor. My only quibble is the artwork--the CGI is a bit simple. BUT, it's not a film by Dreamworks, Pixar or the like and you really don't expect the short to be graphically on par with these professional companies.

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