For Y'ur Height Only
For Y'ur Height Only
| 01 July 1981 (USA)
For Y'ur Height Only Trailers

Mr. Giant has kidnapped the brilliant Dr. Van Kohler and is planning to use the Doctor's invention, the N-bomb, to hold the world hostage. The only one who can foil Mr. Giant's evil scheme is Agent 00, a 3-foot-tall filipino martial arts master, expert marksman, top-class romancer and all-around superspy. Can Agent 00 rescue Dr. Kohler before it's too late?

Scott LeBrun

Meet our hero Agent 00 (Weng Weng). Lover. Fighter. Badass secret agent dude. Fashion plate. He does it all, and then some, and he's only two and a half feet tall. Naturally, he's the best hope for the forces of good when the minions of the nefarious Mr. Giant kidnap scientist Prof. Kohler (Mike Cohen). Kohler has devised an all powerful N bomb that Mr. Giant will use to control the world. As he works his way through a sexy bevy of babes, so too does Agent 00 beat up and mow down one incredibly inept bad guy after another.Here's one for you to check out if you think you've seen it all. A combination of dwarfsploitation and spy spoof, it gets a fair bit of mileage out of some truly gut busting vocal performances / dubbing and uproarious dialogue. The sight of our diminutive hero soaring through the air and effortlessly clobbering goons is good for much amusement. Unfortunately, for this viewer, the novelty ultimately wore off with a fair bit of movie left to go. The good news is that it's never really boring; it does have energy. And while it tends to be crudely made, that's not a debit for this brand of entertainment. (Obviously, it IS intended to be a comedy.)Among the highlights: Agent 00 meeting with a boss who's a combination of the "M" and "Q" characters from the James Bond franchise, the sight of him using an umbrella to make an escape (after taking an understandable pause to romance a lady in a bed), and flying towards the bad guys' hidden fortress by using a jet pack.The Bond style music is catchy, but it's also repetitive. And just like many a Bond film, the ladies are outstanding scenery attractions. The smooth Mr. Weng is quite a hoot to watch.Seven out of 10.

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This is probably the only action movie in history, where the bad guys will shoot at the hero, who's standing right out in the open; miss every time, and it actually makes sense. This is also, the best Philippino, midget, spy-spoof ever made. It's loaded with non-stop action, funny slapstick, and some of the campiest dialog ever written; lines like: "His making a monkey out of the forces of evil!" and, "So, thats how you control your little Wang," are guaranteed to have you laughing hysterically (unless of course you happen to be a humorless beast, without a soul). The concept for this film is also strangely believable; midgets really would make the best spy's, think about it; they can easily hide in smallest, most uncomfortable places, they are very difficult to shoot, and when it comes to hand-to-hand-combat, they have no difficulty attacking vulnerable targets, such as the knees, and groin. Weng Weng (the star of this movie) is a great comedic actor and martial artist. It's really a shame he didn't get many more staring rolls; the good news is that he does star in the sequel; "The Impossible Kid Of Kung Fu!"

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Like the reviewers before me, I have to say the dialogue in this movie makes it worth the watch. What no one else mentioned though, was that the voice actors used Edward G Robinson & James Cagney voices for all the villain characters. I don't know about you, but I doubt gangsters in the Philippines talk like that! A lot has been said of Weng Weng and his spy "devices", but the thing that cracked me up was the wardrobe of the Crime Syndicate - either Hawaiian shirts or button down shirts open down to the navel. These guys looked like rejects from a cheap disco! If you love bad movies, run, dont walk, to your video store and get this one!

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"So this is how you control your little wang."I know his name is weng weng, and the guy was talking to a woman, but that line still had me laughing. The VHS copy I bought had terrible tracking problems, but I managed to adjust it so it only had minimal fuzzing. That aside, the movie was hilarious. I wish the Philippines had become more influencial in todays movies, because they sure would be much more interesting. Not to knock modern A-list movies, but the chance of creating a midget James Bond takeoff is very slim. And independent films seem to require 'in-depth meaning' or something.Anyway, everything about this film was so insanely crazy, you can't help but crack up when Weng Weng pauses for about three seconds after every major event that happens, or sees himself in a mirror and waves, or the classic fight scenes where the guy being attacked ends up lifting Weng Weng to achieve the desired stunts.It does follow some James Bond style themes, but if you're not thinking about it, you won't notice. There is the array of silly weapons that seem to only have usefulness in one unique situation (which will of course come up sooner or later), the good guy killing people without remorse, and generally being a chick magnet. Despite him being a 3 foot balding midget in a white suit.I guess know, I just need to get a DVD player so I can see this without constantly re-adjusting the tracking.

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