Follow a Star
Follow a Star
| 01 January 1959 (USA)
Follow a Star Trailers

Norman Truscott is a store worker who dreams of stardom. Vernon Carew is a singer whose star is fading. Vernon manages to get a recording of Norman singing and passes it off as himself.


Standard formula for a Norman Wisdom movie here. Norman becomes a put upon clown whilst bubbling under the surface is the fact he's a very talented guy (singer here), whilst he's in love with a wheelchair bound beauty. It's often the saccharine elements of Wisdom's films that puts people off, but to his fans (and I'm one), they are integral to letting Wisdom hit his comedic heights.Follow a Star is not a great Norman Wisdom film, but it is a very safe and enjoyable one. Story finds Norman used by ageing crooner Jerry Desmonde, who upon finding he is no longer fashionable, plots to use Norman's amazing singing voice as his own. Cue Norman moving in with Desmonde as the house slave and chaos ensues. Meanwhile those closest to Norman smell a rat and try to bring down Desmonde the fraud. As usual there are plenty of laughs and high energy acrobatics, with stand out sequences involving hypnosis and the bravura mania of the finale - where the dastards do all they can to get Norman off of the stage. Some super British comedy actors fill out the support slots, most notably Hattie Jacques and Richard Wattis, while Philip Green's musical contributions are most pleasing.One for Wisdom fans only? For sure. Otherwise leave well alone. 6.5/10

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Kieran Wright

This is a lovely film starring a lovely man, with some genuinely funny moments. In the part where he gets hypnotised, you really see his acting ability. In a way it's sad that Norman Wisdom is not part of this day and age. If he was he may have taken on serious film roles, as the likes of Jim Carrey have. This is definitely one of his best films, and one that my whole family loves. He also has a great voice, and at some point must have had to make a decision whether to pursue a singing or acting career. Incidentally, Norman has great support from the likes of Hattie Jacques and John Le Measurier who give assured performances. A film from a different age.

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What a wonderful film this is,probably normans best,it has all the hallmarks of mr wisdom from the sad lonely fool to the mad fool!to the sentimental romantic fool that norman pulls off with such natural ease,the plot is good about an ageing pop star played by jerry desmonde trying to revive his flagging career,finds norman, hears his voice and decides to steal it.Hattie Jacques is brilliant as normans vocal teacher but Jerry Desmonde is outstanding in this film,especially when he sings the bath song contorting his body like elvis gone mad!it kept my interest from start to finish.The only slight thing that niggles sometimes, norman very occasionally acts a little too silly where it stops being funny and a little cringing,eg-when hes rolling about on the psychiatrist floor,but normally its kept to the right level.The song 'follow a star'is a enchanting song with a melody that grows on you,incidentally norman wrote this and other songs in this film which further enhances his considerable talents,if you like good comedy,good music and norman wisdom,then this the film to watch.

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Norman Wisdom plays a labourer who is also a big fan of singer Vernon Carew. He sees Carew perform live, and manages to annoy the singer from his place in the crowd more than once. The final straw comes when Norman stands up and is singing Carew's famous song, trying to get the crowd properly excited (Carew's stardom is definitely waning) - but what comes to pass is that some head honchos hear Norman's wonderful voice, singing Vernon's song, and get the idea for Norman to dub for Vernon on his up and coming record. The general idea is quite similar to that which was used in Singin' In The Rain, but Follow A Star is not quite that good a movie. Still, it is quite good, and the music isn't bad. 7 out of 10.

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