Flesh Wounds
Flesh Wounds
| 09 June 2011 (USA)
Flesh Wounds Trailers

On a remote U.S. Army facility a group of scientists vanish while conducting experiments with a top secret weapon. An elite covert ops team commanded by Lt. Tyler (Kevin Sorbo) is sent on a rescue mission that quickly turns deadly. With time running out and the death count rising, Tyler's team must hunt and destroy a predator unlike any they have ever encountered or become its next victim.

Tony Heck

"If these guys can't fix it, Hell no one can." After a group of scientists goes missing, the army hires an elite covert team led by Tyler (Sorbo) to go and investigate and rescue them. When they get to the site they discover something they never could have imagined. There really is not much to say about this movie. The best way to explain it is that this is a Scy/Fy channel version of "Predators". It is only missing the effects, action, cool bad guys and acting, other then that it is a lot like "Predators". If you are a HUGE Predator or Sci-fi fan you would probably like this, otherwise go ahead and avoid this and anyone who wants you to watch it. I give it a D.Would I watch again? - No way! I will not be getting this for my store.*Also try - Predators

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Albert Muick

...but it just had its moments that redeem it somewhat and save it from the rubbish bin of cinematic history.Let me be blunt: As a combat and long-term Army veteran, nothing pisses me off more than seeing incorrectly worn or cobbled together uniforms. This was full of them. From the Colonel wearing small US Marine rank on an Army uniform as well as two unit patches on his right sleeve, to the oaf wearing the Sergeant Major rank with a cobbled together uniform. That's usually the kiss of death for a film as far as I'm concerned. I won't watch it any further. I find it personally offensive, if you can believe that.Then you have the tough-guy clandestine unit. Rag-tags with long hair and bad attitudes fighting amongst themselves. Doesn't happen in a real special ops unit. Fighting between the members is quickly dealt with and usually winds up in a transfer to another unit for the aggressor.Having said this, the action was good and special effects were above average with a few exceptions. One was the suicide headshot at the end where the blood spray clearly comes from the side of the door across the viewing window. The other was one of the baseball grenades that was thrown and the explosion clearly occurs to the right of it. lots of technical goof-ups like that.The other thing that really rustled my jimmies was the smart-mouthed female who insists on joining the group as part of her mission. Seriously, anyone, male or female, who tries to jump in with a crack unit and runs their mouths like that to the unit CO, is going to more than likely get beat to a bloody pulp and left behind. Pity it didn't happen here. In my opinion, she added little or nothing to the movie.The movie premise is possibly real enough: find a terrorist organization that is training in the wilderness. Then the group finds that the organization is using US supplied weapons. There is more! The real reason is that a killer cyborg has escaped and is running loose in the jungle there with enough state-of-the-art equipment to render it invisible. The predictable slaughter happens, but in some innovative ways! This is a rip-off of the Predator series with a twist to the plot. Plain and simple.In summary, lots of things to make you hate the movie, but then there's just enough to keep your interest. It's a 3-beer and half-a-pizza kind of movie for a rainy weekend afternoon when you've nothing else to do.

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This isn't exactly a master-piece. But it's not quite the opposite, either. There is some kind of story. There are some kind of characters, among them and foremost a world-weary, disillusioned black-ops guy, portrayed by Kevin Sorbo in a most convincing manner. There even is some kind of acting by more people than just Kevin Sorbo.None of this is really very much fleshed-out, everything is a tad disjointed and quite... trashy in terms of production value. Which I suspect pretty much hits the nail: it's yet another remake of Predator, suffering from all of the original's problems as well as lack of money.But there sure are worse things out there to kill 82 minutes with.

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Okay to watch if you are REALLY BORED and have run out of all other options, short of watching paint dry on a wall. This is a typical Predator-like remake with a group of awful actors and a couple of has beens,Kevin Sorbo(Hercules) and Bokeem Woodbine playing a ragtag group of "Black Ops" with a tag along "bad Azz" woman bureacrat who served in Nam etc. The woman character cycles between I'm tougher than nails and oops I broke a nail and a male black ops character that loves to use Southern clichés and dialect and cool phrases like "slicker than seaweed dipped in catfish grease." I've seen worse films but this is pretty awful. The Governator couldn't save this Predator remake.

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