Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement
Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement
| 13 July 2014 (USA)
Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement Trailers

"Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement" questions commonly held beliefs about disability and normalcy by exploring technologies that promise to change our bodies and mind forever. Told primarily through the perspectives of five people with disabilities, a scientist, journalist, community organizer, bionics engineer and exoskeleton test pilot, FIXED takes a close look at the implications of emerging human enhancement technologies for the future of humanity.


12/7/17. An interesting documentary that looks at all forms of human enhancement. Of course, one has to wonder how far human enhancement should go given that the Technology will eventually make anything possible. When we have gene editing, what is left that cannot be changed? Remember what the Bionic Man's Oscar Goldman said, "We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster." ( Then again, all those people who have had plastic surgery think they are fine examples of the promises of human enhancement, and we know most end up as permanent disasters. Nevertheless, this documentary is worth watching just to remind us that we should be grateful for what we have and not be too greedy for what we don't.

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