| 06 November 2008 (USA)
Fire! Trailers

When a young musician and his wife become witness of a bank robbery they get in the midst of a political conspiracy with the risk of losing their lives.

Alexander Schikora

First I was wondering what was happening, is this Uwe Böll at work? But after checking IMDb it was clear, it must be his twin brother and seeing he was involved in "Alarm für Cobra 11" and "Der Clown" it was clear that all my hopes for this movie are gone. This movie is so bad in dialogue and story that you can only watch it as a Trash-B-Comedy- Action like all those other RTL-shows in German television.

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Fire seems to be one of those movies, that divides people into two groups. The ones that like the movie and the ones that do not understand it.Only voting 1 or 3 stars does not give the movie enough credit. It is what it is, a good German movie produced for the international market. Given the normal budget movies in this category have, which cannot be compared to the ones in the US, they have done a really good job on this one.I like the movie because it does not try to be something completely different and this is what it is all about.hope you found this useful? Thanks Casey

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This is a tremendous unrealistic movie. Everything is bad. It start swhen the Mercedes front was completely destroyed, after 1 second it was already okay, passing through an impossible roll of situations, and the movie ends with the main character defusing the bomb 1 second before it explodes..... (Classic!! Almost cried.. Wasn't Macgyver available for this movie? Or..Steven Seagal?). But the way he defuse the bomb is the best...I won't tell you! If you are a producer, may be you should watch this movie, to understand everything you must avoid when you're making a movie. Basically, this entire movie.

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I'm not much of a reviewer but I watch a lot of movies. I've never seen worse acting or a more unbelievable story than this. This takes "Hokey" to a whole new level. Stay away from this one if you put any value at all on your time. I'm not a big fan of the CSI TV shows but I know the main character, Gary Dourdan from there so I know he at least has the capability to act. In this role it's like every line is strained and what's worse is that everything he says and does is completely, utterly, unrealistic. For instance, if you're outside of a bank that's being robbed and your wife is inside, you're not going to tell some stranger that calls you on someone else's phone that somehow finds it's way into your pocket that your wife is inside the bank and go further to tell him her name. This is just the start, it gets much worse, and it's not limited to him, but I'm not wasting any more of my time on this stinker.Hope you guys find this useful.

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