| 27 May 1996 (USA)
Feeders Trailers

Two friends on a road trip pass through a town where aliens are landing and feeding upon the some of the civilians.


This revolutionary creation from the Polonia brothers defines budget- indie movies. Sure, the aliens are condoms with papier-mache, and yes their hands are radio antennas, and maybe some of the acting could be improved - but it's a really enjoyable film. The acting quality makes it comical, but it's also quite suspenseful. Also, the special effects, (courtesy of paint), to show the wounds are something else. On a positive note - the CGI isn't half bad - considering it was done in the 90's by 2 people with a low budget...It's definitely worth the watch as it isn't really as bad as people make it out to be.

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I got this movie for 3$ on vhs in a Blockbuster while i was visiting my girlfriend in New Orleans. It looked like good cheesy B-grade movie. What I got when i finally watched it was a movie awful beyond words that seems to have been directed by a first grader. Everything about that movie is horrible, the lighting is too bright or dark in every scene, it features some of the ugliest people ever seen in a movie. If i looked anything remotely like John Polonia i'd shoot myself or shave that mustache. The story is non-existant, the actors are more wooden than a log and those bad alien puppets made out of socks covered in green paint looked more like giant boogers. Well, there is one thing i enjoyed while watching this "movie", most of the time the audio was so bad i couldn't hear the dialogue so i was spared the brain numbing lines the actors were reading on cards. For a short movie (around 80 minutes) it seemed to be going on forever, it's the first movie that has the ability to slow down time.1/10 It's a movie that proves it's possible to blow and suck at the same time.

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This has to be, hands down, the cheapest movie I have ever seen. They couldn't have spent $50 on this turkey. The computer effects look like an Atari 2600 game and the alien creatures look like sock puppets. I found it amusing that the puppet-aliens were always eating people even though they did not appear to have mouths. Fans of really bad movies will probably enjoy this, as I sort of did, but everyone else is advised to stay far away.

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I heard that this movie, Feeders, was so bad that it had to be seen to be believed. I saw and now I believe. From the early Commodore Amiga computer graphics, to the stupid goofy looking alien creatures, this movie takes the grand prize in the crappy film category. No, I didn't forget about the cheesy acting, nor the fact that the background music blared loudly and drowned out much of the dialog. To sum it up, this movie really sucked.

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