Fatal Call
Fatal Call
| 10 November 2012 (USA)
Fatal Call Trailers

Leaving his small-town roots to start a new life, Mitch meets the beautiful and seductive Amy at a happy hour and begins a tantalizing romance. Before long, Mitch learns that nothing is as it appears and, unable to trust anyone, finds himself on a nightmarish roller coaster ride, accused of murder and running from the law and a mysterious stranger out to kill him. Surviving by quick thinking and his wits, Mitch must confront both his past and present and find a solution before time runs out!


Note: I streamed this from Amazon Prime on a 4K TV. "Fatal Call" is a thriller film with some actors you might remember from their earlier heydays. Why so many appear here is a bit baffling as this film is unworthy of their collective talents.The film goes for a jarring presentation of various segments of its story out of order until the big revelation at its end. With a better script and a bigger budget this might have worked. Instead, what we see is an amateurish low budget effort without many redeeming qualities. It feels like a simple heist that was present out of order for the sake of being different. The story isn't engaging enough to warrant such an approach. Given the few locations where scenes occur, the film preys on your boredom. Until there is an odd cut from one scene to the next. Early in the film the main character meets the female lead and they share all of about five minutes of interaction before falling deeply in love. There is a cut from a chase sequence to them making love in that hokey movie way where the actor covers every part of her body that would result in a higher rating. This portion features an instance of characters not speaking loud enough for the camera to capture their voices. These decisions are less defensible than they would be for a film from The Asylum or another competing company because this film was written, directed, and edited by the same person!There isn't much to see here or enjoy. Don't be tricked into watching it due to the surprisingly respectable cast or the inaccurate film poster.

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movie critic 12

I actually made an account just for this movie. I watched the whole thing because i couldn't believe how awful it was. Lets get to it. Pros: I have it a two because it had a good plot.Cons: Was full of 'come on, seriously' from start to finish(about every scene).That pretty much wraps it up. On top of some amateur acting. It was like a low budget movie that looked on the high budget side. A waste. Terrible.Someone should be ashamed of themselves.I was hoping it would get better but it just got worse. A lot of unrealistic things happened here.If you haven't seen it yet and watch it anyway, just remember, I told you so!

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Don't know why this has such a low rating but I thought it was very good! The writing, directing, acting, camera work, and music were top notch. And I did not have a problem with the nonlinear nature of the film. In fact I like films like that. Most of Christopher Nolan's films are nonlinear. I enjoyed the production design and thought the setup and execution of the story was well-done. There were parts that were like other, similar films but I didn't find it distracting. My only real complaint is that it was a very low-budget film that was trying to be like a slick Hollywood production. This worked sometimes but not always. Other than that, I really enjoyed it!

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Ed Taylor

I've been a big fan of Jason London ever since Dazed and Confused so when I saw this at Family Video, I had to check it out. This film is fast-paced, and full of twists, turns, and surprises. You'll see several familiar faces and some new ones. It is well written and acted and keeps you guessing. And just when you think you figured it out, another twist throws you for a loop. The story is told in a non-linear fashion beginning with Jason London's character running for his life from someone out to kill him. This mysterious person's face is never seen. These scenes are cut together with a back-story that shows the events which lead up to London's dire situation. I watched it with my wife and we had fun trying to figure out the identity of the person pursuing him as the back-story shows several potential suspects. But it's so much more than that. And kudos to Danielle Harris, of horror film fame, for turning in a brilliant performance in a film that is not her typical genre. You should check it out, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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