| 01 November 1979 (USA)
Fascination Trailers

A runaway criminal breaks into an eerie chateau, taking its two frightened chambermaids hostage. As night falls, a group of mysterious aristocratic women arrive and the criminal begins to realize the women are hiding a sinister secret.


When people throw out the word "dream-like" to describe a film, I immediately think it will possess three distinct qualities: 1. soft focus or hazy photography, 2. little to no plot or a plot that doesn't make sense, and finally, 3. shots that linger for an eternity to make up for the fact there's little to no plot. After all, *something* needs to fill the time, right? I can't say I'm usually a big fan of these kinds of films unless they're done by very talented directors who are able to use photography, lighting, music, art direction and shot composition to enhance and strengthen the plot. This is also commonly referred to "Making a proper movie." One can actually have it both ways and find that perfect balance. One can be both an artist and a storyteller, which is really what the art of filmmaking is all about. This film I don't think ever finds that balance. In fact, it doesn't really excel at anything. There's next to no plot and, despite this director's reputation as a visual stylist, the material is mostly presented in a surprisingly flat and uninspired fashion. Sure, there are a few nice shots in this 80-minute movie, but not nearly enough to justify sitting through the rest of it.Arrogant thief Marc (Jean-Marie Lemaire) double-crosses a few people, takes the lone female as a hostage and runs off with a bag full of gold coins. The hostage flashes her breasts, kicks him in the crotch and manages to escape. Marc takes off again and finds a secluded mansion that's surrounded by water and accessible only by bridge and sneaks inside. Those he's betrayed see him going in, but decide to lay low for awhile with plans on ambushing him later on that evening when he's not expecting it. Inside, Marc encounters two young women; Elisabeth (Franca Mai) and Eva (Brigitte Lahaie)... and they're odd to put it mildly. For starters, their story keeps changing as to why they're even there. They should be terrified in the presence of an armed thief, but instead act like giggly schoolgirls who joke about letting him rape them and then turn the tables by claiming they want to rape him. Elisabeth and Eva are lovers and the director is kind enough to prove it by shoehorning in a sex scene at an awkward time as if quickly trying to fill some requirement. Eva takes off her clothes and seduces the thief. Elisabeth gets jealous because she's in love with Eva but then claims she's in love with Marc and pleads for him to leave before nightfall. While that's going on, Eva goes outside to meet up with the four people Marc ripped off. She stabs one of the guys during sex with an (obviously retractable) dagger and then takes a scythe to the other three in scenes that have absolutely no impact whatsoever because they're so poorly staged and edited. Night finally falls and another weird woman named Hélène (Fanny Magier) swings by with four other girls talking about some "reunion" and Satan. The ladies reveal themselves to be part of a bourgeois lez cult who drink human blood to keep themselves from becoming anemic (?) because they're sick of drinking ox blood (?!) The women then put on sheer nightgowns and walk around, a couple of people get shot and then the film is over.This isn't art, as real art actually means something. This film means nothing, stands for nothing and ultimately accomplishes nothing. It's really just lazy pseudo eroticism shot at a cool-looking house and with a few attractive actresses in it and that's all. It helps that one of those actresses is Lahaie, who's worth a look even in something as dull as this. She also has the lion's share of the nude scenes, but even gazing upon her fine form from time to time isn't enough to overcome the lumbering pace, meandering non-story and awful dialogue. Apparently they didn't even use a shooting script for this one and just made it all up as they went along... You can tell! Worst of all, this isn't the least bit impressive on a visual level. Your average Friday THE 13TH sequel features more artistry and skillful camera-work than this does. The photography isn't imaginative, the score is forgettable, the editing is terrible, the potentially atmospheric location goes completely to waste, every single "horror" moment is ineptly fumbled and the director seems to have no concept of scene continuity. There's a good reason people always focus on the striking image of a nude Lahaie, clad only in a black cape, holding onto a scythe. That's because it IS the only striking image in this film.This is the fifth effort I've seen from Rollin now and it's one of his most popular and acclaimed works for some reason I can't quite fathom. I much preferred his zombie film THE GRAPES OF DEATH (1978) and the oddly compelling THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTED (1980) to this one.

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Scott LeBrun

This intriguing piece of work from the French cult director Jean Rollin is deliciously erotic, although the uninitiated should be warned that the horror elements on hand only come into play for the final portion of the picture. Until then, what we get is a masterfully directed work of art from a filmmaker who's not really out to "scare" us, per se. For the balance of "Fascination", it's more of a drama, albeit a thickly atmospheric and effectively enigmatic drama which will have the viewer curious as to where it's going (provided, of course, the story hasn't been spoiled for them already). The acting is top notch from the leads, with two sexy, sexy ladies at the centre of things who ensnare a man in their figurative web.While it's best not to know too much going in, it's worth noting that this tale, taking place in France in 1905, is not really about vampires. It's about a bandit, Marc (Jean-Marie Lemaire) who escapes from his greedy associates and finds refuge in an old isolated castle. He meets two lovely young lasses inside, Elisabeth (Franca Mai) and Eva (Brigitte Lahaie), who claim to be servants awaiting the return of their employers, but we can sense that there's more to them than meets the eye. They seduce Marc into hanging around, for their own mysterious reasons. Intrigued and amused by them, he does remain on the premises until some visitors appear late at night.Enhanced by the beautiful music by Philippe d'Aram and featuring extremely striking lighting schemes by cinematographer Georgie Fromentin (those shots of the walkway at night are downright spooky), "Fascination" turns out to be an intoxicating story of the decadence and fetishes of the upper class, and the result when a man such as Marc discovers their secrets. There's a sufficient amount of nudity and sex (both heterosexual and lesbian) to tantalize viewers; Lahaie is a vision, and figures in the most memorable images of the film when she wields a wicked scythe.Dedicated cinephiles and fans of the Eurohorror of the 1970s would do well to check this one out.Eight out of 10.

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Highly regarded by hardcore Rollin fans, "Fascination" is a break from the arty vampire flicks he's best known for… Sort of. The director actually seems more interested in telling the story then nudity and pretty images. It's by far the most polished of his films I've seen.Which isn't to say it doesn't feature his trademarks. In the late 1800s, a thief swipes some coins from his fellow thieves. Despite the female tempting him with her heaving bosoms, he continues into the forest with his loot, the others in pursuit. Eventually, he comes to an isolated lake-surrounded château, home to two mysterious women. The girls immediately manipulate the guy, doing everything they can to keep him there until midnight. The girls, lesbian lovers and master seducers, keep whispering about a mysterious ritual. What does this have to do with the opening scene of a woman drinking ox blood for her anemia? It's a highly erotic film. I counted three sex scenes and there's far more nudity. The girl, locked in a room, enjoy each other's company, caressing one another's backs and suckling each other's breasts. A pretty hot scene, especially since Franca Mai and Brigitte Lahaie are gorgeous. Eva, the blonde, seduces the young man into another stimulating scene and, later on, she is forced into servicing one of the other thieves in a stable. Despite being more plot-focused, it's still fair to say the film crosses over into soft core porn.The horror elements slowly work their way in. The most famous scene involves Lahaie, clothed only in a black robe, swinging a giant scythe, an eroticized version of the Grim Reaper. Murder shows up more then once, bloodily slashing through the subplot. Once night falls and black fog rolls over the lake, a cult of women appear and the movie turns out to be a vampire story after all, of sorts. So if boobs are distracting and you're wondering when the horror will show up, be patient.A woman in white standing in butcher's shop, the walls and floors covered with blood, is the first striking image. Eva writhes on the bridge in a see-through pink dress. Faces, half-bathed in shadow, peer around a wooden plank. So, no skimping on the visuals. What there isn't any of is funny camp or over-the-top pretensions. That's good and fine and probably makes the movie highly accessible, but it also makes it a little less fun. Mai and Lahaie both give good performances and Rollin keeps his embarrassing tendencies under wrap. I can certainly recommend "Fascination." But I actually think I like the director's work better when he's trippier and goofier. We'll see how that opinion evolves as I continue my journey.

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This looks like a Hammer horror film from the 1960s. The big difference is the nudity throughout including a lesbian scene. Eva(Brigitte Lahaie) and Elisabeth(Franca Mai) are living in a castle on the water, complete with a mote and stone bridge providing beautiful background scenery.A man escaping fellow thieves is on the run and winds up at the castle to hide. What follows is campy acting and cheap sounding music in the background. The two lesbian lovers are awaiting their special guests for a midnight rendezvous of some sort. This is a low budget, badly written, and silly effort by all involved. The only high praise I can give it is to Ms. Lahaie's body, which is quite spectacular and responsible for 3 of the 4 points here.

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