Faith Like Potatoes
Faith Like Potatoes
PG | 27 October 2006 (USA)
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Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal,South Africa.


Wow what a great movie, it pulls on the heart strings and shows what can happen with some faith The acting was real, the acting was great the story was so so good and real, there i said it again So many movies out there have these happy endings and what not but this movie showed real like and heart ache.I can really relate with the main guy because i struggle with anger at times and it is cool to see it for real in a movie! They did a good job on the area they picked for the film. I like that there were a lot of struggles but he kept trying I think you should really watch this movie Enjoy!

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I have to say I disagree with others who called this a "Christian film". It is a biographical film about a man who happens to be a Christian man of deep faith. I am not a Christian, and never felt that I was being recruited while I watched the movie. I didn't have the urge to run to church when it was over. Instead, I was so interested in learning more about this amazing man and the makers of the movie that I watched every minute of the extras.I enjoyed the documentary as much as the movie itself and admired Buchan even more, as he NEVER said he raised people from the dead or cured anyone. He gave all the credit to God. In fact, he seemed more amazed at the events of his life than I was.It was well-acted, I really felt for the actors when they cried. The cinematography was excellent-- I only wish they had shown more of that beautiful country. It is rare that I watch a movie twice, but I would gladly see this one again. And I'm buying the book tomorrow.

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Cinematography...excellent. Not many disagree with that one. Christian movie...of course... The usual fruitless acting ability as seen in most Christian even close.I saw somebody criticize this movie for lack of story arc or so they meant. I hail this movie for the patience it takes to slowly unwrap the rebirth of it's central character, Angus. How can you not see the talent of this actor and the talent of movie directing to make this dramatic transformation on screen? If you don't understand that what they capture on film here is something special, then you know not what you speak of and shouldn't share your opinion until you do.Someone else criticizes the prolonged agony scenes following the tractor accident...then criticizes the exercise as having no point. Wake up MAN! The point of the movie is here! That's WHY they spend so much time developing this point of the story arc. God doesn't step in at this moment to answer Angus' prayer. And Angus has to trust in his faith to get through it. That's why its crucial to see his anguish. And the actor sells this emotion on screen with a heart-wrenching performance. Finally, Angus receives the beginning of closure from the event in the middle of the night when his brother calls about the dream. Angus simply replies, "Thank you." That is all you can do in this life: Accept that tragedies happen and accept the healing sent from heaven in these small moments of closure.Angus, as interviewed in the documentary also available on the DVD, shows that he still highly emotionally affected by his nephew's death after many years. You don't ever get passed something like that. So the movie, which tries to be as accurate and true to the story as it can, doesn't pretend to have Angus rectify completely. Instead it shows a simple scene of comfort in the middle of the night and leaves it up to the viewer to appreciate the meaning of the powerful scene. You have to watch movies more carefully and closely if you're missing these elements I'm mentioning. And if you don't watch carefully, and you're missing these elements, then you know not what you speak of, you are uninformed, and you shouldn't be commenting.Great movie. 10 stars for a movie that had to overcome a small budget and pulled it off without missing a beat. See this movie. It will change your life.

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I have been inspired just reading some of the comments here on Faith Like Potatoes. It is evident that many who have written have experienced God in their lives and know what they lack. This film truly is a challenge, whether you want to judge the acting or the execution of the film, it none the less shines a spotlight on your own life. To muddle the intention of the film with any criticism of it not reaching your expectation of quality is completely missing the point. My understanding is that only one thing gets God's attention and that is faith. To wallow in self- pity and that victim attitude is not going to move God. This film shows why God has no favoritism. The rules are the same for all of us, the difference between great generals for God like Angus Buchan and the average Joe Blob is Faith! It is people like Zaccheus who catch the attention of Jesus, that causes him to say to the one man out of a multitude "I'm coming to your house!!" If we stopped philosophizing and putting action to our Faith we will also get God's attention. This film is the hope and inspiration that every person needs, it's not a life void of intense trial but charged with hope in all circumstances. Watch it with an objective heart!!

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