Extreme Days
Extreme Days
PG | 28 September 2001 (USA)
Extreme Days Trailers

As four lifelong friends, Will, Bryan, Matt, and Corey, are on the road trip they've been planning their whole lives, Corey's beloved grandfather unexpectedly dies. When going to claim Corey's inheritance, the gang meets Matt's beautiful cousin Jessie and embark on a hilarious, extreme sports-filled adventure.


I liked this movie a lot (not just because of Corey!) because it was weird! It had such a funny un-professional feel to it, which was either done intentionally or was done because the film people didn't have enough money. But I think the movie was supposed to be imperfect because a lot of it is from Will's video camera perspective. I loved how each thing the guys did during their trip was so crazy, even the jedi-whatever-it-is war for the campsite thingy seemed believable! The Christian parts could have even expanded a bit, it's totally not in-your-face so non-Christians can fully enjoy it too :o) Okay, so the extreme sports shots were a bit stretched out, but that's just my opinion cause I'm not interested in that stuff- but the movie's got something for every teen. Of course, there's a love story in it ;) Awww

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This is a VERY funny movie! My best friend gave it to me for Christmas, and I've seen it times before that. I laugh my head off every time I see it! A scene will start and I'll already start laughing cause I remember what happens! (sorry if this might be a bit of a spoiler) It has the basic boy meets girl, boy makes bet over girl, boy falls in love with girl, girl realizes she likes him too, boy and girl have romantic first kiss, but what isn't basic, is that the girl stands up for her morals and makes it known. Which I think is very cool! So you get that, and funny! It's a hilarious movie and I recommend it totally! Unless you are someone who would get offended at say a scene where all the guys are farting on a lighter in a dark room. lol! I LOVE this movie!! And if you think a story about four guys a girl and a road trip interests you then you should definitely check it out!

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I hated this movie with a vengeance. It felt like a non-stop PowerAde commercial with a couple of breaks to develop something that tried to resemble a plot. The action sequences were almost enjoyable, but the cinematography was bad. Technically speaking, the entire film had a grainy look and the soundtrack was not synchronized with the video (the actors words didn't match their mouth movements). Then we move on to the plot, or we would if it had one. Avoid this film. It is not good.

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It is extremely rare that a movie will hit the theaters that openly promotes Christian values. Even more significantly, it's also rare that such a movie is actually good in terms of entertainment value. I found "Extreme Days" to be a very enjoyable, highly entertaining movie, and its high moral standards make up for whatever it lacks in any other area. I highly recommend this film.

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