Express Train of Love
Express Train of Love
| 06 May 1925 (USA)
Express Train of Love Trailers

Silent romantic comedy set on a train.


While the world's intellectuals were delighting in THE LAST LAUGH and WAX WORKS the German public, we are told, were more interested in the comedies of Ossi Oswalda. With this as the only accessible example, I can see their point.Miss O and the genial Willy Fritsch do the one about the top hat guy and the follies girl, with undeniable charm, and the producers spent money on this one. It's the cameraman of METROPOLIS and the sinister streets aren't always at ease with the would be frothy material but there's a train finale in snow country. This also has some of the earliest back projection I know.Name players of the day show up - Lillian Hall Davis, Jenny Jugo and Lang regular Georg John, as the wedding clerk.I'd cheerfully watch a few more of these if he archives would get off their buts and circulate them.

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