NR | 02 November 2012 (USA)
Excision Trailers

A misunderstood teenager Pauline, struggles with her abrasive Christian mother, her chronically ill sister, her aspiration to become a surgeon, and her increasingly violent psychosexual dreams. Pauline slowly begins to indulge in her fantasies, meanwhile, her mother tries to connect with her. In an attempt to make her mother proud she strives to cure her sister.


This movie is kind of an odd one. Has a decent cast that includes John Waters and Malcolm Malcolm McDowell. The overall quality of it varies from decent to looking like lighting out of a student film. The storyline I don't think I can explain without spoiling the plot.But the real enjoyment I got out of this bizarre movie is from AnnaLynne McCord. She is dressed down considerably in this compared to her on 90210. I found her captivating in this movie. She's unhinged, sexually inappropriate and an outright sociopath at times. But it's the way she pulls off all this with a such joy and not caring what anyone thinks of her that just makes this movie rise above being a bargain bin indie film.The other stuff like the gore etc is fine but not really shocking and doesn't have anything to do with the overall story. I'd say watch it for a fun performance but don't expect anything great in terms of plot.

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what a weird and wonderfully acted film, acting was above par for a film of this genre, story line was easy to follow and somehow delicious to watch as the angst and delusional qualities of the main character unfolded, it does have humor blackest at best but there nonetheless.the story tells of an 18 student with delusions of medical excellence and somewhat of an anomaly in her school year and at odds with her family especially her mother (play superbly by tracy lords)yes that tracy lords.not sure how to categorise this film ,not out and out horror not a black comedy but maybe a bit of both . good watch would recommend it gave it 8/10

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In Pauline's fantasies she is beautiful, confident and strong. In reality, she is greasy, sullen and an outcast. The only person who shows her any kindness is her younger sister Grace, who is suffering from Cystic Fibrosis.Pauline has a form of blood-lust and has aspirations of one day becoming a surgeon, though she doesn't do well in school and goes out of her way to annoy her teachers and peers. The thought of blood sexually excites her and she thinks and dreams of it constantly. Her overbearing mother and apathetic father are oblivious to the extent of their daughter's problems and treat her with disgust and derision.When she overhears her mother describe her as "impossible to love" Pauline retreats further into her delusions and does the only thing she knows to prove her worth to her family.The much talked about ending is shocking but not just in the ways you'd be expecting. For me, the shock value doesn't come from her delusions but how calmly she succumbs to them.I think this film struck a chord in me because, whether intentionally or not, it highlights society's attitude towards mental illness in comparison to physical illness. The daughter suffering from a physical ailment is treated with kindness and sympathy while the daughter struggling with mental illness is ignored and treated as a burden. Grace is given the best in medical treatment, but when Pauline begs to see a psychiatrist, she is brushed off. It's a shame that the movie went to such extreme lengths to make Pauline so unattractive (actress AnnaLynne McCord is very pretty in real-life), almost making her look like a Neanderthal because it takes you out of the movie. I think there were more subtle ways to make her 'ugly.'

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One of my all time favourite films. Personally I feel its macabre nature is perfectly balanced with appealing cinematic aspects. Good sound track, interesting narrative portrayed with a face of art, and spot on casting. AnnaLynne McCord did a perfect job at portraying a teenage sociopath and she deserves rewards for that performance. At that, the casting was impressive when regarding the director and writer was an unknown, fresh 25 year old director. The film successfully explores themes of teenage life, complex relationships, religious zealotry, and the problem with being a self-proclaimed surgeon... Not for everyone by all means, but for me, fantastique!

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