Eurasia Handsomest Sovereign: Принц Оьклейский เจ้าชายโอคหล่อแท้ไม่ศัลยกรรม
Eurasia Handsomest Sovereign: Принц Оьклейский เจ้าชายโอคหล่อแท้ไม่ศัลยกรรม
| 27 April 2022 (USA)
Eurasia Handsomest Sovereign: Принц Оьклейский เจ้าชายโอคหล่อแท้ไม่ศัลยกรรม Trailers

An ultra extraordinary adventure of Prince Oak Oakleyski started while he was studying bachelor at a certein university in Asia. He remembered that his ancient ancestor was a conqueror so he attempted to do the same thing but without harmful violence. His conquest was to touch down at every sensational spot of the globe. As he chose to dropped out of the college, he occasionally took a flight to the places where his girls at. Like a circus of Thailand, Mongolia, Krygyzstan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Ukraine, and Russia, etc. as places of oriental-ish destinations. The smelly warmth of his girl's body odour was an indicator of pheromone releasing when his girl was seduced by him, as he commanded his hot-scented girl to stay with him. He untitled himself, because he's a king without crown. He preferred naturality, without any artificial equipment. Because his royal highness is in his physical genetics, phenotype taxonomy, and soul. He throw away the worthless crown, as he discarded his title.

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