Elizabeth Harvest
Elizabeth Harvest
R | 10 August 2018 (USA)
Elizabeth Harvest Trailers

The newly married Elizabeth arrives with her new husband, the scientist Henry, at a magnificent house. He tells her that she can do there anything she pleases, except to enter a certain closed room.


"Moon" starring Sam Rockwell explored this ground better. The movie starts well enough but the big mystery is revealed and promptly gets lost in a love triangle/quadrangle (not sure which) that feels contrived. It may not have seemed contrived, or labored, had editing been more disciplined. Abbey Lee has a Jocelin Donahue-like beauty and acting ability, which are real positives. All the acting was excellent.

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The movie is a symbolical representation of Narcissist-Empath relationship. Sebastian Gutierrez describes a typical abuse dynamics between a Narcissist (the husband) and an Empath (the wife). The Narcissist is brilliant and cruel; the Empath is naive and sensitive. The names of the main characters are not randomly chosen - Henry 8th Tudor executed many of his wives, and Elizabeth is the name of his daughter, who survived his abuse and even thrived as a Queen. The abuse cycle has two phases - an idealization phase, represented as a honeymoon; and a devaluation phase - symbolized by the killing of Elizabeth. The typical Narcissistic abuse cycle repeats six or seven times, thus there are six copies (clones) of Elizabeth, all of them created by Henry. In the sick mind of the Narcissist he virtually "creates" and "destroys" his partner. By saying to Elizabeth not to enter the forbidden room, Henry set a trap for her. He knows that she will "disappoint" him at some point of the "relationship" by disobeying him. So he plans her devaluation and annihilation in advance. The Narcissist even creates his new false ego - Oliver. He has a lover (a secondary source of supply) - Claire and a friend - a tertiary source of narcissistic fuel. The Narcissist harvests energy (positive or negative) from the emotional reactions of other people. The drained emotional energy boosts his ego. He needs constant validation and attention. "You can either torture or be tortured." The most important thing for the Narcissist is to be in control because he feels superior this way. In order to break free from the abuse the Empath has to acquire new knowledge about herself - she has to face her childhood traumas which brought her to this kind of "relationship". Elizabeth educates herself - symbolically represented by the picture of the owl. This is the only thing that she takes when she finally escapes her prison. In the movie there are several references to Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece - "The Shining" - 1980: the road, the tunnel, the villa/Overlook hotel, the secret harvesting room/room 237, naked woman in a bathtub...etc. Brilliant movie! 10/10 Enjoy and educate yourselves!

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To be honest it got very boring very quick and predictable, I watched it to the end just to see what happened... then thought ... is that it . When someone tells you not to open a door what are you going to do .. surprise surprise.

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This movie is definitely something different, it was interesting and entertaining and somewhat engaging. Having just watched the movie I'm not sure how I feel about it yet other than I'm glad that I stuck with it, having been interested at first and then puzzled for a little bit until it started unfolding. They went out on a limb with this one and I think they got most of what they wanted, it is a good movie.

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