Edges of Darkness
Edges of Darkness
NR | 22 September 2008 (USA)
Edges of Darkness Trailers

Three interconnected tales of terror set against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse.

Theo Robertson

This features several story threads set around a zombie apocalypse and for a low budget zombie horror film it does succeed in having an apocalyptic tone . It's both bleak and depressing as the film paints a scenario where zombies are about to replace humanity as the dominant species of Earth . Compare the atmosphere seen here with something like AUTUMN and you'll see how well directors Blaine Cade and Jason Horton have done in making the audience feel that the end of the world is genuinely taking place . Unfortunately they shoot themselves in the foot with their screenplay The film has three story strands 1 ) Catholic priests quest to execute a 12 year old boy who they consider to be the anti-Christ responsible for the apocalypse 2 ) A vampire couple protect a young woman if she'll allow them access to some of her blood 3 ) A couple whose marriage is on the rocks due to the husband's obsession with writing horror stories The problem is that these strands often don't tie in with the central story , try to do too much or suddenly change tone . The priests trying to find the anti-Christ child who is being protected by a Lara Croft clone could have and should have been the central focus of the narrative . The other two subplots often lack explanation and logic . The young woman in the care of the vampires is not what she seems but it's never satisfactorily revealed who or what she is . Considering humanity is about to become extinct why would anyone have a motivation for writing stories since it's obvious there's no one to sell the stories to . This subplot isn't helped by the fact that there's yet another subplot going on where the computer itself is becoming a sentient being that needs energy from other living things to remain alive ! There's so many things going on the stories that it could have kept the film company going in plots for a whole decade . This means the entire film ends up becoming totally unfocused and confused which is a great pity since EDGES OF DARKNESS has a genuinely downbeat and nihilistic atmosphere rarely seen in low budget zombie horror films

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I know that some will think that I gave better movies lower grades but this movie is an original zombie movie. I love Zombie movies and probably the best so far is "Dawn of the Dead". However, one should admit that this movie had originality. The movie wasn't aiming at showing a war between zombies and humans and this is a first! The war in this movie is pretty much more between the humans and their own selves as the human nature never changes even when is faced with extinction. A woman is still concerned with the issue of whether her husband still loves her or not! I mean you'd think how would a really sane woman ask her husband if he still loves her while zombies are roaming outside her windows! And the vampires part is just so smart... no zombie movie would give you that.And the most fascinating part which truly had me thinking and pleased me a lot is the anti-Christ child who says that he is fine with this world of treachery, lying and fast food while the real Christ wants this world to end! It's really genius if you just give it a thought.It's an original movie in a way... I liked it and I am sure there are others who appreciated the eccentricity of this movie.

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The idea of the film is intriguing but it has its short commings. There are three stories that don't really tie in together and i don't really know why they should be connected. So if you look at it at face value its three different short films like tales from the crypt. I don't know what the other commenters see in the girl with the gun shes not that hot but she is cute. The one I would say is hot is Annemarie Pazmino who has the only strongly developed character in the film. And she is the only chick in the film who can act! The vampire Alonso Jones also did a really good job bringing a new take to what a vampire can be. Not like these sissy Twilight vampires that are lame. If you don't like this film its because you are not a cult horror film buff. So go ahead and enjoy other horror films where vampires glitter in the light and they are "ugly because I have diamonds for skin".

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Edges of Darkness is quite the odd duck. It features a variety of stories regarding characters during a zombie apocalypse. Two African American vampires chose the wrong girl as their next blood source for she's seemingly a junkie who is "contaminated". A married couple deal with boredom in their own way, the husband, an addict on his computer writing stories while the missus, ignored and depressed has fantasies involving a zombie pal she engages in small talk and dance..what the computer nerd doesn't realize is that the new word processor he installed has a life of it's own and seeks a power source, preferably from a human! A Lara Croft kind of female warrior aids a black kid who could be The Anti-Christ as he is being pursued by sadistic priests, soon becoming a sort-of protector. Each story alternates as the undead scour the earth outside the buildings where the movie is set.Rather ambitious despite the obvious limited resources, the movie tosses around a lot of ideas, none of which I felt ever quite hit the bullseye. Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew when taking on the challenge of incorporating your horror film with so many stories with only so much time to present each one. I admire the task of including such a variety of genres: zombie, vampire, religious, and the Cronenbergian aspect of flesh and technology fusing in an unusual way. The camera work and equipment used for the film is as mediocre as some of the special effects and acting. I credit the effort, the attempt even if it was a misfire. That said, Michelle Rose, as the Tomb Raider modeled heroine, is sure striking as the femme warrior, and the vampire tale has a rather funny punchline regarding what junk blood can do to the bloodsucker. The zombie plague remains a focus of conversation in all stories, although the actual carnage by the undead is lacking, probably, again, due to the budget. The filmmakers never allow any of their stories to lag too long, and there's plenty of quirky humor on display. Ultimately, the film felt as if it ends the way it does due to running out of cash(..particularly the religious parable regarding the female warrior and her possible Anti-Christ child, which has a lot of potential, rather untapped, ending rather abruptly, not particularly satisfying since it seems this was simply too much for merely a segment in a movie featuring other stories).

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