Eat the Schoolgirl: Osaka Telephone Club
Eat the Schoolgirl: Osaka Telephone Club
| 10 March 1997 (USA)
Eat the Schoolgirl: Osaka Telephone Club Trailers

"Eat the Schoolgirl" concerns two young adults who made a dirty work for a yakuza gang by making sadistic rape/snuff films. Both of them are sexually obsessed; one is addicted to telephone sex whilst the other can only function sexually, whilst seeing mutilated female corpses.


Disturbing and sick erotic thriller. Two guys work for mobsters. Each of these guys is very horny in their own way. With one only being able to ejaculate after killing someone. To each their own. Eat the Schoolgirl is here to shock and titillate in a very sadistic way. The film is filled with rapes, violence, and violent sex. There's also an angel, and a rather nasty scene involving poo. The film never pushes itself far enough. It would have been more successful had it just been balls out horrific. If you're into your Japanese pinku movies, this is probably one of the better ones, as it never really pauses for any real acting.

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British cinema-goers of a certain age will doubtless remember with fond affection the now extinct phenomena of the second feature; a shorter, often low budget 'mini film' that preceded the main event (which in my day usually had Doug McClure fighting some men in rubber suits) and were usually funded by the Children's Film Foundation. One thing that the Japanese film industry seems to have excelled at over the past fifty years or so is the production of such sub feature length, low budget 'fillers', but rather than tales involving a pre-pubescent Keith Chegwin foiling kidnappers, these Japanese shorts have been exercises in enveloping stretching when it comes to the abuse of young Asian females.The pedigree can be traced back to Koji Wakamatsu's art house shockers 'Violated Angels' (1967) and 'Go Go Second Time Virgin' (1969) through to the infamous 'Angel Guts' and 'Guinea Pig' series of films, to recent efforts like 'Seketsu No Kizuna' and 'Mu Zan E'. Besides scenes of horrendous and graphic violence inflicted upon women, what these films also have in common is a pretension toward intellectualism, probably in an attempt to legitimise the proceedings in a "Hey, but it's art so it's OK" kind of way. And this mentality leads as nicely to 'Eat The Schoolgirl', because pretension is something that this film has, and has in spades.Directed by Naoyuki Tomomatsu, 'Eat The Schoolgirl' concerns two young adults who eke out a living doing dirty work for a yakuza gang whose main line of work seems to be making genuine rape/snuff films. Both of them share an obsession with sex; one is addicted to telephone sex whilst the other can only get his rocks off over the sight of eviscerated female corpses. Throughout the film, he is visited by a naked female angel (sometimes with wings, sometimes with scars where the wings used to be) who tells him to go out and kill. This he does in graphic style with the added kink of being dressed as a schoolgirl while he does so.In terms of plot, that's virtually your lot. At least, that's what the whole film boils down to in the final analysis, despite what the filmmakers would have you believe. At barely an hour long, Tomomatsu simply does not allow enough time for any of the 'mysteries' of the plot to unravel. There are hints and flashbacks that suggest our cross dressing killer witnessed something bloody and traumatic as a child (a plot device that's strongly reminiscent of similar in Scavolini's 'Nightmares In A Damaged Brain'), but it's never developed enough to provide any kind of satisfactorily explanation as to what's going on or to give any depth to the film as a whole.And that's the main problem with 'Eat The Schoolgirl'. Rather than develop the identity and motives of the 'angel' and the killer, or to give the two antiheroes any kind of contextualising backgrounds, he prefers instead to focus on lengthy and extremely unpleasant scenes of women being abused, raped, or given forced enemas by cackling males who delight in filming the attacks on video and clearly regard the women as nothing more than objects.Although Tomomatsu is best known for 'Stacy' (though 'Eat The Schoolgirl' pre-dates it by around four years), anyone expecting more good natured blood and gore in the humorous and slapstick style of this later film should be on their guard; 'Eat The Schoolgirl' plays straight as a die and is completely devoid of humour or any moments of light relief. The violence is frequent and bloody and the special effects, though nothing particularly 'special', are graphic and gritty and leave nothing to the imagination. The sex/rape scenes, although never hardcore, are as brutal and harrowing as anything in better known shockers like 'I Spit On Your Grave' and are not at all easy to sit through.But sit through them I did, largely out of interest as to where Tomomatsu was going with the characters and situations, and it so was with some disappointment to find, when the credits rolled, that he wasn't going anywhere with them. Instead, 'Eat The Schoolgirl' plays in style like a jumble of cut up images and ideas that recall a 90's MTV video, a clear example of style over substance with the underlying idea seemingly being that the introduction of some ambiguity and mystery will excuse the images of a naked woman being disembowelled in a shower and her killer masturbating over her writhing body as she tries to hold her intestines in. Subtle? Certainly not, but the feeble attempt to pass off such tacky, exploitative fayre as 'art' leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

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If you like porn, rather get the real stuff instead. Music is annoyingly cutting... I mean it's not working. I mean I've seen better stuff... this has got no plot...It's just trying to make you feel sick? Not working not for me... this is crap.The intermediate scenes look like crap... the sounds are awful. I had a friend in college who would have liked this kinda stuff as it's little different, well he does noise, I guess if you're into noise, and think it's good music well then you might like.I mean you won't be missing anything by skipping this one... I wonder why do I watch so much crap.I'd give this one 3/10 so keep away... keep away. Although I have seen worse... if you like the dominating japporno get that instead.

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Eat The Schoolgirl....I think one guy "ate" a schoolgirl a little bit. But if they wanted to have a more appropriate title, it would have been called Eat, Stab, Bang, Punch, Rape, Choke, Grope the Schoolgirl. I may have missed a couple other verbs, and I don't think there's a verb that means "to force an enema on someone". Maybe, expulsion? Eh, whatever.Like the others who reviewed this flick I'm also at a confused state when trying to explain the story. And that is my biggest problem with this flick, it really just had a bunch of characters doing nasty stuff to other characters. One dude has a fixation on "coming" on fatal, bloody wounds. That same dude also dresses up as a schoolgirl and kills/rapes people. Pretty busy dude. Then there's a Sex Line girl who he's grown fond of with scars where she possibly had Angel wings. There's a horny kid with a, forget this, the story sucked. The movie is only brought along by the gore, sleaze, occasional erotic moment and just the whole nasty feel. Not even close to being one my favorite Japanese flicks. At only an hour long, it almost wears out it's welcome, but thankfully it's chock full of sex, nudity and wounds filled with sperm. Overall, it's not a good film, a crappy one actually, but it has so much of the "good stuff" it turns out to be a average viewing experience. Definitely not for everyone.

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