Dr. Terror's House of Horrors
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors
| 23 February 1965 (USA)
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors Trailers

Five strangers board a train and are joined by a mysterious fortune teller who offers to read their Tarot cards. Five separate stories unfold: An architect returns to his ancestoral home to find a werewolf out for revenge; a doctor discovers his new wife is a vampire; a huge plant takes over a house; a musician gets involved with voodoo; an art critic is pursued by a disembodied hand.

Claudio Carvalho

Five passengers are in a cabin of the train to Bradley, when a sixth one asks whether he may join them in their cabin. He introduces himself as the tarot cards reader Dr. Schreck, a.k.a. Dr. Terror (Peter Cushing), who can tell the future of those who tap his cards deck three times. The first passenger to tap is the architect Jim Dawson (Neil McCallum), who is traveling to an island to renovate the house that belonged to his family that Mrs. Deirdre Biddulph (Ursula Howells) bought from him. He will learn that there is a werewolf in the house. Bill Rogers (Alan Freeman), who is traveling on vacation to meet his wife and daughter, taps the deck and learns that an intelligent creeper vine will threat their lives at his summer house. Then the musician Biff Bailey (Roy Castle) taps the deck and learns that he will bring a voodoo song from his tour in Caribe with creepy consequences. Then the snobbish and arrogant art critic Franklyn Marsh (Christopher Lee) learns that the artist Eric Landor (Michael Gough) will expose his arrogance and Franklyn will revenge with tragic consequences. Last, Dr. Bob Carroll (Donald Sutherland) taps the deck and learns that he will discover a secret about his fiancée Nicolle Carroll (Jennifer Jayne), who has just moved to a small town in New England to live with him, and his colleague Dr. Blake (Max Adrian). Further, they find their fate and who the mysterious fortune teller Dr. Terror is."Dr. Terror's House of Horrors" is a great anthology from Amicus Productions with five short stories. "Werewolf", "Creeping Vine", "Voodoo", "Disembodied Hand" and "Vampire" are great segments. Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Donald Sutherland are part of the cast and synonym of a great entertainment for fans of British horror films from the 60's. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "As Profecias do Dr. Terror" (The Prophecies of Dr. Terror")

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A nice Cushing/Lee movie from Amicus with a young Donald Sutherland, this film would inspire the 70s Tales From The Crypt movie, which is one of the classic horror anthology films and somewhat inspired the success of 90s TV series. Maybe another older movie used this framing device, but I'm sure that TFTC's producers were looking at this British hit when they put their film together."Dr. Terror" is slow and clunky but the stories are short enough and each feature a nice bygone horror antagonist thats more charming than scary. The film is very well directed, just not written too well. The Voodoo tale is very zippy and has a timely message about cultural appropriation. Its all innocent and inoffensive and watchable. Its even kitschy enough to watch with friends and laugh at.

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Dr. Terror's House of Horrors contains a very unique and eclectic concoction of tales that, while are not necessarily terrifying, are still very much entertaining. When combined with very good filming, editing, lighting, acting, and script, we find ourselves enjoyably sitting back for a wonderfully good time! * Synopses and Descriptions: Frame Story: 5 gentlemen board a train. A sixth man(Peter Cushing) arrives who goes by Dr. Schreck, which means "terror." As the ride begins, he offers to tell the men their fortunes by using his Tarot Cards, or as he calls them, his "House of Horrors." Thus, the 5 tales unfold. With three taps of the deck, four cards are sprawled out that decipher one's fate. However, after each man's story is told, they are given a chance to pull a 5th card to discover the way out. 1. Werewolf - When a man working as a contractor pays a visit to a client who just happens to be an old friend, the job ends up being much more problematic than he originally expected. Sometimes the past comes back to bite us. This tale doesn't necessarily offer the most original story, but the quality of everything is nice and I like the twist at the end. It can actually come as a genuine surprise. 2. Creeping Vine - When a family moves into a new home, they are quick to discover an odd plant that has a mind of its own. This one is a cool idea, but the execution leaves a little to be desired. This is possibly the weakest entry, but it's still enjoyable to watch. 3. Voodoo - When a trumpet player and his band get a new gig in the West Indies, he makes the mistake of stealing some voodoo music before returning to London. When he finally plays his new song on stage, it comes with terrible consequences This one does a good job of using suspense as you await the ending you know is coming. Quick paced, somewhat comical, and filled with some very amazing jazz/swing musical scores, this one is just a treat with a finale to die for. 4. Disembodied Hand - When a feud begins between an artist and a critic, things get way too out of hand. A pretty strong tale here, possibly the most horrific and entertaining of the tales. 5. Vampire - When a man and a doctor suspect the man's wife is a vampire, things get a little hairy. This one has a very surprising twist at the end. Wrap Around: Well the wraparound is very unexpected and enjoyable to say the least. I don't want to ruin it, so you'll just have to wait and see it for yourself. * Conclusion: While it may not be scary per se, the quality of the material is so good that it provides great entertainment. The entire movie has a good pace so that you don't get too bored with any one story and the acting, filming, and sound are solid.

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When I first heard the name Dr. Terror's House of Horrors I was sure that it would flop. Nevertheless one night I decided to give it a try and I was actually surprised by it's quality. The beginning was very exciting and so were the first few stories. After that they began to turn into silly cliché horror stories, especially the third and fifth ones. Though the film turned into worse direction it wasn't enough to make this a bad movie.Peter Cushing gave one of his best performances in this film. He was perfect as Dr. Terror and the other actors were decent to good. The visuals were quite bad but what would you expect from this kind of film. Because of bad effects the film failed to be scary but that didn't really matter. The only real problem I had with visuals was the final scene which was done very badly (even though the idea was good).Given the budget and the release year this film is very well done. Especially Francis' direction was spectacular. The screenplay was at times great and sometimes terrible. (if you like classic horror plots this is a movie for you). The quality change between the stories were a serious minus for the film. I can't say this is an excellent or remarkable film but if you wish to see some good acting and directing then you should really consider giving this a try.

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