Doctor Who: The Husbands of River Song
Doctor Who: The Husbands of River Song
| 25 December 2015 (USA)
Doctor Who: The Husbands of River Song Trailers

It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from Christmas Carols and Comedy Antlers. But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy. King Hydroflax is furious, and his giant Robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole survive? And when will River Song work out who the Doctor is? All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time.


The Doctor has an adventure with another "the love of his life". New Who is all crescendo. When everything is crescendo, crescendo becomes meaningless.New Doc has had so many "the love of his life" companions that the concept becomes meaningless. Rose, Martha, Pond, Clara, River - there are so many big moments, this is our last moments, there's nothing when they happen.Maybe the show runners spent too much of their creative power on Harry PotWho, er, Class, the latest bad Doctor Who spin off. Judging by how bad that show is, it's more likely the Who team has enough creativity to fit into a thimble - with room left over for an entire thimble.This episode isn't funny, isn't epic, isn't action packed - it isn't anything.

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Not only is the Husbands of River Song a great Christmas Special, it's an all around great hour of Doctor Who. I don't think we've had such a genuinely heartfelt and funny episode of Doctor Who since the Pond era a few years back. While Jenna Coleman's performance as Clara Oswald was consistently great, the relationship between her and the Doctor, while still good, became too intense towards the end of series 9. It felt like her character took precedence over everything else in the show and the Doctor had to take the back seat. It's refreshing to have an episode that's laid back, noticeably lighter in tone than the rest of series 8 and 9, and that puts the Doctor in the spotlight again.Alex Kingston was awesome, as always, and Peter Capaldi gave another fantastic performance. "Comedy" episodes seem to always try too hard to be funny and end up being too childish, but the Husbands of River song is one of those rare episodes that nails a perfect balance of actual humor and more serious moments. Everything flowed naturally and built up to a phenomenal ending that closed off River Song's story exactly how it was imagined 5 seasons ago in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead. Even the music from the Library two parter was used near the end of the episode. Murray Gold's score, especially in the last 10 minutes, is beautiful. The special effects, directing and cinematography were all good, and Steven Moffat's script is commendable as well.Overall, the Husbands of River Song is a great episode of Doctor Who and a great Christmas special: it's easily one of my favorite Capaldi episodes, it gives closure to River Song's story, and it rounds off one of Doctor Who's most acclaimed series perfectly.

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Cheap unimaginative plot full of holes. What did happen to Dr Who ? Over the years the stories got progressively worse. Or maybe most of the money has been funneled from "script" to "special effects" ? On this season, only the "Heaven Sent" episode was okay-ish (ruined by a stupid ending)Is there any writer out there that want to keep the protagonists "in character", respect the lore and write consistent plots base on anything else than cheap feelings?It's a bit sad that Capaldi got served such bad stories. The few good scenes showed he was perfect for the role.In any event, avoid.

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9/10 !Fault: moffat needs to stop recycling ideas like those of Douglas Noel Adams.Otherwise, yes get alex Kigston to come back every now and then. After all, River Song is in the middle of it.Great entry! A servant mixes up the Doctor for a Surgeon, (BTW SM it is Christmas, carollers should be welcome - another knock against you)!The Doctor unwittingly helps River with King Hydraflax (familiar name eh SM?)The object - to steal a diamond lodged in his brain (Funny sounds like James Bond). This would kill a mad king.So many twists and turn. The King's head and body can separate as individual components. So River steals the Doctor's TARDIS unknowingly with the Doctor inside.Oh dare. Head and body have to be one so TARDIS cannot take off.The King's body deals with the issue of River's treachery. Heads of a different caliber.TARDIS leaves planet for ship. Nice! Fleming is another husband of River who turns up. So now all action takes place on a ship of cutthroats, nice company for River.When the subjects of Hydraflax turn up, all Hell could break loose. not even an auction can save themFleming is a piece of work. He must be working for the highest bidder.The Doctor reveals himself to river - Hello Sweetie.The Doctor's head would become the new hydraflax if possible.The ship sails into a meteor shower sending it crash landing.The Doctor tries for a rescue. No can do. The TARDIS is his lifeboat with River Song unconscious.The Doctor give the diamond to a worker and yes a new restaurant is build.Ending is a bit soft. The 'romance' of River and the Doctor never seems to end.Guessing that Alex Kingston will turn up.

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