DNA vs The Book of Mormon
DNA vs The Book of Mormon
| 20 March 2003 (USA)
DNA vs The Book of Mormon Trailers

This documentary examines the genetic evidence of the claims of the Book of Mormon. Are the native Americans decedents of the lost tribe of Israel?


Wow people either seem to love or hate this movie. I thought it was powerful. A little unsettling. This is the first major religious historical claim that I know of that can be tested with hard evidence. It doesn't leave much room for doubt. It wasn't harsh and nasty about it, though, the facts pretty much speak for themselves. A geneticist friend said that the science was accurate, and the conclusions seemed logical. As with most challenges to religious claims, it will get resistance, but I can't see any resistance from reason or science. It was promoted by a church so there's an evangelistic closure you can take or leave, but the documentary itself isn't preachy.

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The review that was first posted for this video strikes one as a bit reactionary and defensive. While I've never been a Mormon, I do have a scientific background, and I found the science (and the scientific conclusions) very straightforward and solid, and yet it is done in such a way to make it accessible to the layperson. I didn't find it at all "bashing" or disrespectful; on the contrary, as a scientific documentary it is quite dispassionate, though there are some personal stories and struggles interwoven through it. Although I can understand how it might cause some discomfort for some LDS viewers, I would nonetheless recommend it to them. As a production it is simple and uncomplicated, but there are a lot of very interesting and challenging sound bites. Even if the subject matter doesn't pique your interest, you might give this one a try.

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Taylor Evenson

This video was terrible. The evidence presented was nothing more than circumstantial at best. No convincing evidence was presented and somehow the video comes to its conclusion a tad premature and lacking any semblance of evidence. This video is just another thing to create divisions in the religious community and into the whole We're right/You're wrong mindset. This movie demonstrates everything that's wrong with organized religion. The big groups attack the small groups with stuff like this when they should be working together, isn't that what their little scripture book tells them to? Horrible video! DO NOT WATCH THIS!

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I'm not a Mormon now, nor ever have been but I sat down to watch this video out of curiosity. The run time isn't too bad at just under an hour but it is obviously a biased production. Supposedly, all the experts on the video whom they cite for evidence for their case are, of course, Mormon scholars (which I doubt). There is not even the smallest hint of another opinion other than that the producers are trying to make. Now I'm not Mormon so I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough about the BoM to make a good argument either way, but I've got to believe that there is/was an entire other side to this argument that wasn't given a second of airtime.THe intro was good filling in and explaining some of the background of the Mormon movement and BoM history but the evidence for the whole DNA thing wasn't there, IMHO. Just feels like an hour of Mormon bashing...Avoid this if you can.

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