| 17 April 2003 (USA)
Disaster Trailers

When the girlfriend of a cult leader tries to leave the flock, she finds escape to be more difficult than she imagined.


A group of fanatics take over a multi-storied building in order to get something their leader really wants. But one by one, they are picked off by... yes, you guessed right - this is yet another DIE HARD rip-off, only this time around there are TWO heroes working together and they are saddled with two females. Apart from that novelty, there really isn't anything here of merit, except for some decent cinematography. The movie is packed with stock footage from other Nu Image productions (plus a few other movies), the set decoration looks pretty cheap, and the action (if you can call it that) is so bland in both its editing and direction that I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the screen. Even if you often enjoy made-for-video movies and can accept shortcomings, chances are you'll be picking up a book or newspaper next to your viewing chair long before the end credits start to roll.

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Ugh! I almost puked after I watched that... A very poor action movie, with mediocre performances, simplistic effects and sets, and a really clichéd storyline.Disaster, also known as Cult of Fury, stars Jim Davidson as Roger, an average action hero. Marnie Alton plays Tracy, the girl that causes the whole trouble, and Sonny Surowiec plays Maxwell, an arrogant villain who thinks he's a big genius and that putting a bunch of bombs in Las Vegas is going to make him as famous as Hitler, Jesus and Martin Luther King. I'm not joking, that's what he says in some part of the movie!Now, where's the problem? Maxwell decides to take hostages, hunt down the hero and the girl. The hero's sidekick, Kenny, also has a problem: his daughter, Jenna, is in danger. And THAT'S where everything starts to collapse... literally.Maxwell places bombs anywhere around the place and activates them using a PDA. He presses the "bomb icons" on the screen and... BOOM! A bomb explodes. What really surprised me is the amount of innocent people dying in this movie. It's a whole lot of people, I'm telling ya! At the end of the movie, a TV anchorwoman reveals the body count of this movie. The villain died. The hero's boss died. And dozens of innocent die......but it doesn't really matter, does it? I mean, the hero is alive, the girl is alive, the sidekick and his daughter are alive. All's well that ends well, right? Nobody is going to care about all those poor people who died. I really felt sorry for them, especially for the villain, who seemed to be a nice guy! If you find this movie in a video store, skip it, visit the IMDb and vote this a 1 out of 10. It deserves it.

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Since I am required to write minimum of 10 lines, and this garbage deserves not only a single one, I'll start with the following: 1. I voted AWFUL for this dreadful so called "movie".2. Let me explain why these turkeys Mr. David Varod produces are shot mainly in my beautiful homeland, Bulgaria (just in BTW, for the illiterate people around - this country is IN EUROPE, based north to Greece and has absolutely nothing to do with Mexico and Uruguay) Some years ago, NU Image has invaded our country and started making crappy mostly direct-to-video releases. Why here? Because here they pay derisively low fees to the Bulgarian crew and to the Bulgarian actors (most of them distinguished ones) which are, in many ways, better than most of their American colleagues. Personally I am ashamed of that fact. The reason is, of course, the greediness of the Americans involved and their wish to get most, if not all of the profit. Actually it would't be so bad if only the production wasn't so filthy and pale. There hasn't been a good picture shot here for years. At present NU image is being sued here over the very questionably purchasing of our national cinema production centre called Boyana Films. No doubt about it there has been corruption, there has been deceit, there has been a lies in this recent purchase. The Bulgarian cinema is dead. Long live the Bulgarian cinema!

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Theo Robertson

!!!!! MILD SPOILERS !!!!!Suppose you were in deadly danger and needed to be totally anon , what would you do ? If you answered " Hide in a cave " you'd probably be right . If you answered something along the lines of " Become a singing sensation at a Las Vegas casino " then you'd probably be carted off somewhere to be force fed anti-psychotic pills . Alternatively you could also be invited to write a script . Guess what ? someone was invited to write a script and it's called DISASTER .Tracy is on the run from a Cult ( That's not a spelling mistake by the way ) and decides to hide out in Vegas as a star singer who's so famous her posters are plastered everywhere . Oh and she doesn't even bother to change her name , only her hairstyle . Do you think this is credible ? Can we expect to see a duo called Osama and Saddam singing The Desert Song at a downtown casino in the near future ? but who needs credibility when you've got Yossi Wein as director Yossi Wein directed such fare as DEATH TRAIN , US SEALS and OCTOPUS 2 so you know what to expect ie not much . If DEATH TRAIN resembled UNDER Siege 2 then DISASTER resembles the original DIE HARD except it's set in a casino , has little in the way of budget , with an unimpressive cast . It's also obvious the bad guy was written with a slimy limey actor in mind but couldn't get Rickman , Oldman or Bean ( Possibly because they saw the script ? ) so a plank of wood was cast instead . In fact I felt really sorry for Mr plank because there's so many flaming explosions in this film ( That's all there is in this movie - explosions ) and I was really worried he might get turned into charcoal Which reminds me the special effects of cars , helicopters and buildings going up in flames are obviously achieved by setting fire to toys - Some child is going to be very upset on Christmas day - while the more convincing ...sorry less unconvincing effects seem to be stolen from other movies I think Despite all this I couldn't help noticing Tracy has a well developed pair of lungs so maybe her career as a singer isn't as ridiculous as it seemed at first . Tracy's lungs were the only reason I didn't off the TV

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