Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here
Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here
| 16 September 2014 (USA)
Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here Trailers

After a meteor shower strikes Los Angeles, toxic smoke is released across the city causing people to physically change and become violent. A small group of survivors plans to vacate the city by heading to the coast.

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This film had one of the strongest starts to any zombie movie I have almost ever seen. It commits to a good realistic and believable shock and awe tactic, and does great at holding off zombies until the perfect moment, not too early in the film, and not too late. It really shows the epicness of disaster in the making. After the first 10 - 20 minutes, however, this film slowly and majorly begins to get ridiculous and silly. The characters act like they don't even know how to fight or survive, which a teen/college man living in the US would surely know how to do - it seems not one character in this show is even barely smart in terms of surviving or fighting. I don't think there is even one scene in this movie that one of the main characters actually steps up and takes a zombie down before it attacks. Every scene there is a zombie fight, the survivor always just lets it attack them and doesn't even barely try to stop it. Also, from the opening, the plot and the story becomes highly screwed up in a lot of ways. Also, what the hell is with all the unneeded sacrifices? 2 or 3 characters die in the same way, by departing the group and fending a hord of zombies in a act of "saving the rest of the survivors" when every single instance every survivor could have easily made it out just by running without needing someone to stay behind to save them. Not to mention how worthless and unfulfilling the ending is. So, they get to the beach, then it just ends, like so what? Just because they are on the beach they are safe? They are within walking distance from a skyscraper... I don't know. I have to say, that this is a decent movie none-the- less, and is worth watching, even if just for the opening. Even for a low budget film, at least they show decent looking explosions and effects. Most low budget films like this one might just display the sound effects.

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I am all for a small budget movie. Sometime the best movies are the ones that are not meant for Hollywood and then, there are movies like this one. Generic plot, check Terrible love sub plot, check. Actors closer to 40 than 20, check. Overacting to the point that it looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel, check. sleeping through multiple explosions, check Debris falling from ceiling, but nothing on the floor afterwards, check. Running, check. More running, check. Still more running, check. Lead actor telling other people what to do, check. Finding out the guy does actually have a wonky eye and it's really annoying, check. Freaking about where your brother is, instead of calling right away, check. Panicking far too much, check. Brother not understanding the importance of the situation because it's party time, check. Ugly green tinge to the film, check. More debris falling, glass breaking, still nothing on the floor, check. Going outside, really?, check. Zombie girlfriend needs a shower, OK?, check. Really, really, really bad zombie make-up, check, double check, triple check. That's a far as I could make it. I really do hope he got those car keys.

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This is one of the more refreshing sci-fi films in a long time, and one of the best zombie films since the original duo of "Night of the Living Dead" and the 1985 classic "Day of the Dead".It's a throwback to the old films which looked like original plots and characters. There is the look of the Lost Patrol and similar movies, most notably JOURNEY TO SHILOH, which had to make an impact on the writing of this.And that's what makes this a good film. It looks like one of the few sci-fi films that wasn't stolen from a more inspired writer and muddled into a formula film.There's also a throwback to the era of McQueen and his blob, to the old teenager flicks in which the young men and women had a sense of character and camaraderie. We can identify with the characters, save the one real creepy one who is an obvious villain. And we can see their motivation.The five young men, and the woman who is separated from them, are quite credible. They have some darkness in them, a realistic amount, the sort of the platoon in ALIENS if one makes an analogy. That's why this is an interesting story. I was pleasantly surprised.Needless to say, the beavis and butthead crowd won't like it, because it does have credible characters in an incredible situation. However, others will enjoy this.The weakness is the "villain", who looks out of place in a group of three dimensional characters. The hero is a bit wooden, but he's credible, because he does have a very believable motivation for his actions, and because he sees himself as a steward over the others. He says little, and does a lot of thinking, which does make sense in this incredible situation of zombies infesting their home city.The best character is his friend, Turner, who truly looks inspired by the character of Miller from JOURNEY TO SHILOH. In fact, the actor could be a look alike for Michael Sarrazin. For that matter, the lead actor has much the same mannerisms as James Caan in that film. Their three friends are likable as are the five friends from Shiloh.Perhaps this was unintentional, being simply inspired from the same sort of feeling. Whatever, it does work. For good or bad, it's "inspired" and looks "original", not like the usual movies that look like they were stolen from more creative minds. These people did what they did on their own, if I'm not mistaken.Turner makes the film work, because he is the one the viewer will probably identify with the most. He has the best survival instincts as well as a great sense of teamwork, not only trying to save himself, but everyone else he can.In a film where friends are whittle down, it's not really a spoiler to say most of them are whittled down. Aside from the throw away character of the villain, all are handled quite well.This looks like a B film that will eventually be a mainstay. For now, expect the usual jealousy of inferior minds. It could even become a better film than I give credit for. It's a keeper.

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Disaster L.A. follows a group of friends who have just celebrated their first year living in Los Angeles. The mood quickly changes when on the following day, a group of glacial meteors strike the city causing chaos and panic to spread. Unbeknown to them, the smoke that covers the city carries a foreign amoeba that causes people to turn into zombies.Another zombie flick for the taking. There is a lot wrong with this film that I don't even know where to start. In a city of millions, there is, at best, a dozen zombies. the SPX was poorly doneI really cannot say much for this film, and to be brutally honest, the film was dry, dull and boring that about an hour in, I skipped to the end to see how it ended….. Which was not much.This film could have been done much better.

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