Die Abenteuer des Grafen Bobby
Die Abenteuer des Grafen Bobby
| 01 April 1961 (USA)
Die Abenteuer des Grafen Bobby Trailers

Count Bobby assumes the identity and dresses of his sick aunt because they desperately need the money for chaperoning Mary, a wealthy American heiress, on her trip through Europe. Bobby falls in love with Mary, but his dress is a handicap.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

This is a 90-minute movie from almost 55 years ago starring one of Germany's most famous: Peter Alexander. Or I should maybe say Austria as he is Austrian-born, this is an Austrian production and the film's director Géza von Chiffra is also Austrian. He was one of the most prolific filmmakers in the German-speaking regions between the 1930s and 1960s. And they get help by Danish-born Vivi Bach, who plays the female central character and (obviously) love interest to Peter Alexander's. The writer of this movie worked a lot with Heinz Erhardt in his career.This is pretty much 100% comedy, but sadly it is rarely funny. Basically the entire movie consists of a Peter Alexander show which moves the action and plots in the background. For almost the entire movie he switches between his regular looks and female clothes as the woman of his heart should not find out that he is really with her in Paris and his relative is actually himself. Still she finds out shortly after the one-hour-mark and plays some jokes on him for the rest of the film. Other than this drag storyline, the movie has also many bad word games, for example on the German terms for cobblestone or chewing. It's impossible to translate, but you will know what I mean when you watch this and understand German. In addition, the film includes lots of music and singing by Alexander, some nice songs on Paris, but also a really stupid song which is a bit of a love confession to a woman he barely knows. And back in the 1960s, young women go out to have afternoon tea and dance instead of to parties as this film tells us as well.Finally, I cannot recommend this film really unless you really love Peter Alexander (who in drag reminded me a bit of Otto Waalkes at times). There are many German films from around the 1950s and 1960s which are very similar and there is nothing about this movie here that makes it stand out. But if you happen to enjoy it, check out the two sequels also featuring Peter Alexander as the lead character.

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