Nicolas Gessner's debut was a pleasant comedy where contentment reigned .A sweet dreamer (Claude Rich) who works in a Swiss bank in Geneva wants to become rich ,but as he was not raised on robbery ,like gorgeous Bettina (Jean Seberg) whose mother is the brains of a gang,he's got a good idea:let the others do the job,and latch on to the loot afterward.There are plenty of funny lines: "if we do not respect the anonymous accounts ,all that will be left for Switzerland will be winter sports,the clocks and Gruyère cheese " or " You know there was a break-in and you policemen arrive by bike!" .The jeweler to the insurance agent :"I'm glad I sold all those jewels" "But you didn't sell'em!they were stolen!" It comes to the same thing,as long as someone pays!" Filmed on location in Geneva ,Nicolas Gessner ,abetted by a good cast ,does a nice job.Later ,he would direct Charles Bronson and Anthony Perkins ("Quelqu'un Derrière La Porte" ) and Jodie Foster and Martin Sheen ("the little girl who lived down the lane").Like this?try these....."La Bonne Année " Claude Lelouch,1974 "Faut Pas Prendre Les Enfants Du Bon Dieu Pour Des Canards Sauvages " Michel Audiard,1968
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