Dead End
Dead End
| 14 October 2007 (USA)
Dead End Trailers

A group of young people head off on a vacation. When the car breaks down they're forced to find help. In the woods they find a house and some angry dogs which were by their car too. They decide to enter the house and that's where all the madness begins.


This film is absolutely terrible. Reasons will be mentioned. By the way. I'm not dissing people here. I've read about the director. He seems to be a very nice and hardworking guy. But I'm just gonna be honest here. The film IS bad: SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1) The film starts all of the sudden (which is good sometimes) and then becomes slow. Veeerrryyyyy sloooowwww. 2) I can't possibly tell how bad the dialogue is. Every line is stolen from an English or US film and directly translated. 3) No character development at all. They're just there. That goes for the Dutch cast as well as for the 'witch' and her child. 4) The guy that gets wounded in the beginning becomes pale due to lack of blood. He becomes weaker and paler, but instead of fainting or dying, he gets his color and strength back. 5) The so-called hero (Chris) is probably meant to look tough but all he does is gasping, screaming and crying. 6) Same cry-baby (Chris) starts shooting his shotgun at fire (?!?!?!), but when standing by a locked door and a chain he doesn't shoot. 7) Why and how the witch mother took possession of the blonde girl can only be guessed. 8) Everything was there for a good scare effect. But it was only used once or twice. 9) A bad build-up. In the beginning there was some good tension and it was not totally slow. Than suddenly it became slowER. In the 2nd half all the actors did was walking, sitting, waiting, crying and dying. I could go on forever. What pains me the most is that you actually see the actors try. They're not that bad, but you can see that the script sucked big time. Technically it's OK. Good effects and lighting. The sound quality is fine, but the choice of music never made sense. But how the director/producer managed to even THINK that the script and dialogue were OK, is the biggest mystery. The horror became a drama. End of a story which never actually was a story............... _______________________ CRAPMASTER BOLL SUXX!!!

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In spite of all the comments I have already read, I really liked it. For the first time a Dutch movie without nudity and with all the usual horror ingredients. My hands were in front of my eyes a lot of the time and I didn't have that feeling with a Dutch move since De Lift from Dick Maas. I even was surprised by the way the story was set up. And not to spoil anything, but I also liked the ending. Great to see some of the famous Dutch soap actors in a very different part from what they do usually. So to sum it all up: Fortunately the actors didn't have to overact and the effects were as good as you can see in most of the US mad horror movies. And this movie was scary. Thanks for a great viewing time and looking forward to the next horror movei frm Dutch ground.So to even the odds and give this movie what it deserves a 10+ for me.And keep up the Horror movies in Holland!!

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If there's one thing "Dood Eind" can teach us, it is that even the Dutch know about all the dreadful clichés of the horror genre and that it took until now, late 2006, before they processed them all into one lame movie. I'm pretty sure that, if this movie was made in any other country, it never would have seen the light of day, but since it's the Netherlands and since this nation is desperately craving its very own horror tradition, "Dood Eind" got exaggeratedly promoted in the specialized press and on websites. The story revolves on themes that you've seen a thousand times before already and largely blends the plots of the overrated films "Blair Witch Project" and "Ju-On: The Grudge". The writers, however, claim that their main inspiration was Sam Raimi's "The Evil Dead", but I spotted very few similarities between that classic and this pretentious piece of junk, apart from the ominous woods and the book of the dead. Seven friends that haven't seen each other since their childhood (and actually can't stand each other anymore...) come together for a reunion trip in the Scottish countryside. On the first night around the campfire, the group is attacked by ravenous dogs and they're forced to take refugee in an abandoned house. Minor mistake, as it soon turns out that the house is haunted by the restless spirit of a woman whose baby got killed over a hundred years ago on suspicion of witchery. A haunted house? Dwelling ghosts?? Really? That's so original... NOT! Naturally it doesn't take long before all the clichés start following each other at fast pace. Spontaneously slamming doors, eerie noises coming from the attic and the occasional sudden appearance of a pale-faced ghost lady, they're all there. Stereotypes are well-presented as well, as the clique of seven contains a coward, a bitch, a macho, etc.. Strange fiery mucus that grows on the walls kills most of the Dutch trespassers, and the remaining survivors have to try and understand the house's history if they ever want to get out alive. Technically speaking, the film is okay. The budget was extremely low, but it was nevertheless enough to come up with a handful of decent visual effects and adequate filming locations. Even the acting performances are acceptable, although some of the players are difficult to understand even if you speak the same language. Nope, the problem with "Dood Eind" is purely the substance. There's never any tension since you can feel the 'twists' and 'shocks' coming well in advance and especially the climax is really pathetic. There's still hope for the Dutch horror film (check out "Sl8N8"), but "Dood Eind" is a production better left ignored.

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OK, let me start off by saying something nice: 1: some of the special effects were quite good. (some weren't) 2: the lighting was very well, because I don't want to get too upset about it I will keep it really did. there was no suspense at all. You'll almost fall asleep while waiting for something scary to happen.The scenario and the director are most to blame. I can't believe he won an award for this! the acting is quite bad but mainly because of the dialog. I'm sure this is the best they could do with it.the fact that it all happens in Scotland is just ridiculous! and the dutch woman trying to speak Scottish is just pathetic. I mean - they used Scottish kids in the movie so why couldn't they use a Scottish actress? trés horrible! (horror in the wrong kind of way.)yet what disturbs me the most is the ending. that's probably why it's called dead end. because there is no. It's like they couldn't come up with a good ending so they let the actors improvise or something like that...hell, I don't know.What I do understand is Tarantino's companies' interest in it because with the humor and real horror I'm sure Tarantino is able to bring in it can make it a good movie. (if he uses different actors and changes the script.) - but that's why they said they were interested in making a remake and not having it released in, I gave it 2 stars for the effects and lighting. and that's the most I can give to this piece of dogpoo. horror at its worst!

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