Dead Drop
Dead Drop
R | 26 December 2013 (USA)
Dead Drop Trailers

After surviving a fall from a plane 3000-feet over the ocean, a former CIA operative turned government contractor re-infiltrates a dangerous North Mexican drug trafficking ring to find his own killer. With his memory unraveling, he descends into a murderous rampage while trying to uncover the truth. Who threw him from the plane? Was it his best friend?

Michael Ledo

Michael (Luke Gross) is shot and tossed from a plane. He survives. He is a CIA agent who has spent 2 years in deep cover. He wants to go back and kill Mexican crime boss Santiago (Nestor Carbonell), the man who shot him, and to hook up again with Rosita (Carolina Castro) but "it's not about the girl." The CIA doesn't want him to go back. Don't worry, if you missed Michael getting shot and falling out the plane, they play it over and over again as a memory return flashback, adding a little bit more each time.Michael does go back to avenge his own death, sort of speak, with a plot that lacks complexity. Except for the f-bombs, the PG-13 love scene, and one hip-hop song, this could have been a made for 70's TV movie down to the lame sound track. Luke Gross fans should enjoy his deadpan mannerisms, chase scenes, and shoot outs...especially the one where he is in the open with two hand guns walking/shooting at 4 men with assault rifles using a car for shielding. Don't try this at home.This is one of Luke Gross' lower tier films, not recommended for people outside of his die hard fan base.Parental Guide: F-bomb, brief sex, no nudity.

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Luke Goss turns in his typically gritty, tough-guy performance. Why this guy is mired in B-rate,straight to video films escapes me. He is, essentially, a bald Clint Eastwood or Steve McQueen.Nestor Carbonell also performs quite well in this, and Caroline Castro is exquisite.With most action-drama films, this movie takes a while to get there. But once it does, boy... it really goes there.I don't understand all of the negative ratings. As I write this, it has a 3.9 rating in IMDb. It is much better than that. I give this film a 7/10 only because as a low budget flick, there are some plot holes. But those don't distract from this compelling, if unbelievable story line (and let's be honest--how many flicks in this genre feature the possible rather than the improbable?).If you're expecting Academy Award stuff, skip this. If you're down for a gritty, thrilling revenge story that's well-acted, settle in and enjoy.

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hello all my name is Romane Simon a filmmaker i watch the film twice and i like itlike all movies something the first 15 minute of a film always kind of slow, but its to establish the story,this film capture me from the beginning till the endthe beginning to the end if you really take your time and watch the film without just watching it to critics it you will enjoy it,i like where the director takes the film, and the shotsif you have not seen it go check it out.the actors did a good job Luke's acting always good, the cinematography was good, love the direction so i don't want to spoil anything but this is a good action film to watch,

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This movie can compete for best (worst?) turkey of the century! Plot: Bad guy (Carbonell) throws Good guy (Goss) out of a plane. Good guy survives the fall from 3000 feet. How? Why? Who cares? Anyhow, once upon a time, Good guy and Bad guy were close. But Good guy allegedly stole money from Bad guy. So Bad guy kidnaps Good guy's love interest. Good guy then kills a bunch of people in order to recover the girl (good thing we know he's Good from the start, cause it'd be *really* hard to tell from the plot). He succeeds, but then the girl gets shot by "Even better guy", who happens to be the CIA handler of Good guy (?) At least I think so, because by then I was more fascinated by my cat's grooming habits than I was by the plot. Anyhow, the girl survives because Good guy had the brilliant idea of driving around with a teenage boy locked up in his trunk, and - fortunately - the boy turns out to be a budding surgeon. Meanwhile, Bad guy walks around crying, staring at horses while emotionally holding his gun. All his lines are variants of "Why did you betray me, we were BFF" and "Where's my money? Give it back". Even primitive computer-generated dialogues could do better than that! The scene where Good guy gets thrown off the plane is repeated several times, for "artistic effect"(?) By the time you find out who wins, you won't give a damn.Sad thing is that the actors aren't intrinsically bad (they've demonstrated their acting skills elsewhere). I guess they needed the paycheck. But how the writers, director etc managed to find money to produce this is incomprehensible. Glad I didn't pay to watch this flick, and could click on ffwd!Oh, b.t.w. this is the first time I bother to post a review, but - as immodest as it may sound - this review will still be better than the movie...

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