Days of Darkness
Days of Darkness
R | 21 September 2007 (USA)
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When a comet strikes Earth and kicks up a cloud of toxic dust, hundreds of humans join the ranks of the living dead. But there's bad news for the survivors: The newly minted zombies are hell-bent on eradicating every last person from the planet. For the few human beings who remain, going head to head with the flesh-eating fiends is their only chance for long-term survival. Yet their battle will be dark and cold, with overwhelming odds.

Paul Magne Haakonsen

"Days of Darkness" is actually a rather decent low-budget zombie movie. However, it is not full-out a zombie movie as in the likes of Romero's movies. No, "Days of Darkness" sort of takes the zombie genre and spice it up with "The Thing" and "Invation of the Body Snatchers". Of course it is a matter of preference whether or not you enjoy this mix of horror genres or not, personally I am not too keen on it, as I prefer zombie movies to be 100% zombies, not a hybrid of other genres.But I will say that "Days of Darkness" actually manage to pull off the mixture in a good enough way.The story is about a small group of people making a stand atop a hill in an old bunker installation of sorts, after a meteor (yeah, they went with the organism from outer space theory) crashed onto Earth and infected people with some strange alien parasite that turns people into ravenous flesh-eating zombies. But as if zombies wasn't enough, then the parasite also evolves and mutates within the host organism."Days of Darkness" have a great variety of characters, as in types of personalities and backgrounds. And I think that the people they had cast for the various roles actually did good jobs with their roles, and did bring the movie up a notch.If you are an avid zombie aficionado like me, then you might be a little bit disappointed with the lack of gore and mayhem in the movie. They had opted to go in a more scientific approach to the movie and not turn it into a gore fest. But if you like movies such as "The Things", then I am sure you will find this movie interesting.For a low-budget movie, then "Days of Darkness" actually pulled it off quite nicely. However, it just didn't leave a lasting impression on me, unfortunately, and I guess it was the mixing of various horror genres that sort of blew it off for me. But it is not a bad movie, far from it actually. And it is well worth checking out if you enjoy these kind of movies.Just don't expect to be scared out of your seat, because that will not happen. "Days of Darkness" is a story-driven movie and a character-driven story, not a splatter and scare fest.

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OK, I am a sucker for any zombie movie. I have seen so many, starting with the very first, White Zombie (1932), and I'll watch any one I find.A motley crew of survivors is holed up in a compound after a comet hits the Earth, including a bible-thumper (John Lee Ames), who makes me want to run out and join the zombies that are trying to get through the fence.Well, Chad (Tom Eplin) is not much better - a real a**hole. You spend the entire movie hoping he becomes a victim.Lots of blood and flying body parts as they fight the zombies. Lots of really weird stuff as they try to find out what they are dealing with. Jane (Ashley Elizabeth Pierce) and Trent come together in a way that is unimaginable. Mimi (Roshelle Pattison) gives birth to one of the creatures, as Steve (Travis Brorsen) figures it out.

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JoeB131 that no one in a Zombie movie has ever seen a Zombie movie before. They all amazingly make the same mistakes, trapping themselves into a place that makes it easy for the Zombies to get at them.This one is kind of different, in that they are space zombies fed by a germ that rode in a comet. The Zombies are actually incubators for aliens who are going to hatch out of people.So we have a group of survivors, including a washed up Porn Star, a washed up action hero, a gay dude, a bible thumper, and a couple of strip club patrons. They hole up in an abandoned microwave bunker, while hoards of Zombies sporadically mob the fence. (I say sporadically, because on some occasions, they are there, and others, they aren't.) Naturally, the survivors begin infighting amongst themselves. WHy? Because that's what happens in EVERY Zombie movie back to "Night of the Living Dead".I can see why the Zombie movie has an attraction to young filmmakers. It allows you to cheaply and easily put a bunch of disparate characters in a situation where they are fighting for their lives. But seriously, who cares? The narrative on this movie is so jumpy and the plot makes so little sense we just can't follow it after a certain point. Especially the big reveal at the end, which the viewer could have figured out early on, but these people are too dumb.

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There was some weak acting in this movie but it was not that bad. The entire movie was practically character driven rather than relying on special effects, scientific mumbo-jumbo, or what not type of antics that detract from the acting performance of the group. Hence, irregularities in the group pertaining to chemistry and such get focused out of shape. Shining brightly however was Tom Eplin, a veteran grandmaster from daytime soaps, who was able to take his character's limited scope of personality into a 3-dimensional character. Just amazing! The weakest part IMO was the script itself. Can we say lame in the extreme? What the hell kind of story was this? Was this even supposed to be believable or was intended to be hogwash from the start? So, Chad just happened to drive back to his ranch, 200 some miles, and conveniently bought gas for his Hummer at umm where? If everyone is supposed to be dead this doesn't make sense. Oh, and where's the electric coming from? Power plants require people to run them. Maybe this group should've found civiliation? Hell, just run over those zombies if they get in the way.

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