Dark Feed
Dark Feed
R | 18 March 2013 (USA)
Dark Feed Trailers

When a film crew moves into an abandoned psychiatric hospital with a shadowy past to shoot a low budget horror film, they get more than they bargained for. The late nights and lack of sleep begin to take a toll, and the longer this crew works, the more the leaky, wet building seems to be coming back to life, feeding off its new inhabitants. As the shoot wears on, members of the crew exhibit increasingly strange behavior leaving those still sane realizing they need to get out of this place before they too succumb to the building's infectious hold, the only problem, the old hospital is not ready to let them go.


Well, if you've seen the trailer you won't find any spoilers here, because the whole plot is not more than that. But I checked the spoiler part anyway, just to be sure.Despite most of the reviews here, I think the acting's not bad at all. There are just way too many characters. Instead of having the time to get to know a few of them, you just see how one by one, everybody vanishes or loses it or whatever they do in the dark. Which is basically the main problem of this film: too many characters in too many one-person scenes where something bad happens. It simply gets boring after the fifth "incident" and you just don't care anymore.Apart from that, there's no real story or logic behind the whole thing. That really is a problem, because there would be enough time to build some conspiracy-like storyline. Instead, the movie is filled with the already mentioned boring parts. There's even a character who's described as "our conspiracy guy". But you only get a halfhearted story about the asylum and something in the water. Wow. The plot described in a maximum of two sentences. I call that potential thrown out of the asylum-window.But in the end I gave it 4 points out of 10 because it has some cool and amusing, sometimes funny, creepy scenes. The atmosphere is great and when you are really bored you can give this movie a try. Seen worse.

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Thank you IMDb for existing, otherwise I may have finished watching this ... whatever it is. I tried, and tried again to give this movie a chance, turning it off, doing something else, turning it back on, and just could not stomach it, without at least consulting this website. And thank you to the other members' reviews, so that I did not have to be tortured and endure the entire film. I don't even have A.D.H.D. ... it's just severely boring. There is an ancient proverb that says you must hear the whole matter before making a judgement, so I consider the user reviews that "hated" it to be the conclusion of the matter. I looked up the rating before I watched it, and considered 3.5 to not be bad... in my opinion that is highly overrated, as you can assume by my lowest option of 1...

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Cyclone Dash

So this movie, unfortunately doesn't seem to do well. You can assume that by all the griping and moaning that people do. But if you want to be a real horror fan, its best to appreciate something for what it is. For its own idea. And that's where Dark Feed contributes. The concept is clear as day, and it may have not been utilized the best by all the amateur actors, but its there.People complain about the acting, but compared to some very mainstream horror movies that deserve little to no credit for their boring delivery(The Grudge is just one example), I find myself lukewarm about horror films like this. The acting is definitely not the best, and there's too much slang and vulgarity. I can handle that. But this movie overuses it way too much.I can appreciate this for the concept. And the concept is that this film is not a boring ghost movie. It is not about the devil, or what's hiding under the little boys bed, or some undead psycho killer with a grudge for women with big boobs. This generation is remarkably both laughable and depressing with its overuse of ghosts and zombies. Give it a break, already! This is a psychological thriller. Its about insanity. Its about a certain type of gas(Use your own logic) created by an insane doctor, to drive other people insane as part of some wicked experiment. And throughout the film, everyone is breathing that stuff in.So of course it starts off a little slow..With a few cheap jump scares now and then, but then when you notice one of the characters seeing something on camera feedback, and excusing it for just dreariness, then you know its starting to take its toll on these poor people. Perhaps the first moment of "Holy sh*t!" is when the makeup artist just randomly decides to blow someones brains out. Although, when that guy pulled a Britney Spears in the bathroom and just shaved off his whole head, that was kind of like.."Ookay, this guys a little nutty." But I think that's the message this movie was trying to get across. These are just your ordinary schmucks, probably barely got out of highschool or college.And now the guys hacking up his girl in the shower, and the loser headphone guy is smashing his head against a wall just for sh*ts and giggles. Oh wait! Here comes another guy. And now HES banging his head against the wall. As laughable as it sounds, when that scene came up, you can color me disturbed.So do me a favor, and just give this movie a chance. Its not a big summer blockbuster, and the acting's not as great as The Conjuring, but its passable. Its forgivable for what its trying to deliver. I'm not a casual when it comes to these movies either. From the day I was born, my dad had me watching The Thing, Nightmare On Elm Street, IT, The Ring, until when I became older, I would proceed to watch horror movies on my own. So much so that you could say I've become desensitized to horror. So if I'm saying this is a good movie, you'd do right to put a little faith in what I'm saying.

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I am increasingly amazed that projects like "Dark Fall" and the people responsible for them somehow manage to get investors, and ultimately a distro house like Lionsgate to put it out.This HAS to be a tax-write off scam, a "Spring Time For Hitler" scenario where the joke's on us, the viewers, and the IRS. No one viewing the rushes, or reading the script could not have missed the fact that this was SciFy Channel quality, low-rent drivel. Ergo, it had to be planned that way so investors could declare a loss on their income for 2012, thus taking the IRS bite and rendering it insignificant.Everybody gets a REFUND!......a bunch of 20-somethings get a summer project, get stoned, drunk, have sex, all on the investors' dime, which will inevitably come right back to the investors' pockets. Also, how many times has that run-down hospital been used in films lately?

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