| 01 March 2001 (USA)
Costa! Trailers

The story about a wild week at the Spanish coast. Romance at the beach, competition on the dance floor. Salty water, sweet kisses...


Sea, sex and sun are the dreams of millions but they left me flat. So I expected to watch a dull movie even tough it casts Katja Schuurman, my favorite VJ since her host at MTV "So 90's".The first ten minutes proved me right. It looks like it's a sequel because the characters aren't introduced. But after, I was wrong.It's a very paced movie with a solid script. Behind clichés, there are some values as backbone: love is from the heart not the eyes, friends stand together, the social unrest of dutch youth which is champions in vacations and terrible losers back home!Personnaly, I found the "ugly" character pretty sympathetic and original It's a pity that Katja plays a bitch because she has too much to give!As I found the DVD while my Belgium stay, I can't see the following show here in France so I recommend it anyway!

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I saw the movie in the evening and outside it was 28 degrees celcius, this movie is a very nice movie for such an evening, very romantic, very much action and very good actors. I really liked the easy story and I hope I can see Costa 2 soon!

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This might very well be the worst movie I've seen in my life. Normally I don't watch movies like this, however I was forced to watch this at school. What a torment!The story is as average and boring as it can be: Boy meets girl at the Spanish coast, boy and girl fall in love, but the love between the two seems impossible and everyone and everything is against their love. At the end of the movie the film becomes some kind of weird kung-fu movie were the guys in white fight the guys in black. Awful!The action is so bad that it makes you laugh. The dances in the film that I think are supposed to be cool are so simple and laughable that even I can do them! And Georgina Verbaan is possibly the most irritating person i've ever seen on screen.Johan Nijenhuis is on his way of becoming the Dutch Ed Wood. His movies are so bad that they make you laugh.Victor Löw however gives a surprising good performance and Daan Schuurmans also acts OK.So please for your own sake don't watch this movie. However if you like watching soaps this might be very well worth your time.Yuk!2/10

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"Whenever you feel like critisizing anyone, just remember that all the people in the world haven't had the same advantages that you had". Maybe this Scott Fitzgerald quote is quite familiar to Costa!The film sets out in one of Spains favourable vacation settings, Salou. Especially for senior high-school sudents this place is recommendable. Youngsters go there to party, get drunk and getting lot's of girls.Main characters in this feature are the 'proppers' of discotheque Costa. Proppers are people who work for a discotheque and try to get other people coming to their party's. Therefor, there is a lot of competition with other discotheques, such as Empire.The film starts out in the Netherlands where three girls prepare their vacation to Spain, one of them HAS to bring her little teenage sister(Verbaan). The film guide-lines us through the 'dirty-dancing' journey of Verbaan and one of the proppers(Daan Schuurmans). Despite this, the relationship between Daan Schuurmans and one of his female-colleaques(Katja Schuurman) is also notable.This romantic new of age DIRTY DANCING takes you through one and a half our of pure entertainment. Don't be prepared for a clever script and dialogue. Just expect a funny slapstick typical dutch movie, to see with your friends...In Salou people forget who they really are, that's what the story is all about...Don't forget that!

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