| 15 November 2008 (USA)
Colin Trailers

Our hero Colin is bitten by a zombie; he dies and returns from the dead. We follow him as he wanders through suburbia during the throes of a cadaverous apocalypse.


Sometimes you feel you miss something, this could be the case with Colin. Made in 2008 at the dawn of the whole low budget indie movie journey Colin claims to have been made for $50. It was the first ultra low budget British movie, I guess it should be given some praise for shining the way.Beyond the above fact I just don't get it. The story I could not find, the effects were good but the image quality and storyline were completely non-existent. I really did not like the film, in fact I hated it, not a bit a lot. It's a really bad film, it's an absolute tragedy in the sense that the maker believed that the badness was acceptable for the amount it cost. It's really not. It's a slow boring painful watch, maybe it gave been a good short, but it's an overlong feature and one that's hard to bare.

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After being subjected to a zombie bite and becoming infected with the infection, a man joins the ravenous crowds of zombies swarming London joining in their activities before finding family members who try to turn him back to his normal self before he can engage his normal zombie behavior on them.This might end up being the most boring zombie film ever, despite the fact that the film starts off immediately with a zombie attack and keeps them on-screen for the duration of the movie. This is due to the film's incredibly hair-brained decision to make the film from the zombie's point-of-view, making it nearly wordless and free of dialog for the majority of the film. While that does make for a lot of great attack scenes that provide plenty of gore here as we see the swarms rip people apart and so on, it deteriorates into a series of him stumbling around before meeting someone else and it gets old fast. Then it gets to the parts at the house where they try to rehabilitate him, and the sentimentality on display totally erodes any semblance of horror it could've had, and it's just an extremely tiresome affair without sustaining any interest whatsoever. A mostly useless zombie movie overall.Rated R: Graphic Violence and some language.

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If I could go lower than a 1, I would. This movie has absolutely no point. It's so awful. My friends and I watched this movie for an hour- way longer than we should have- expecting something to happen, but absolutely nothing happened.Do not waste your time and your money to watch this movie. It's literally a camera following a zombie while it walks around town and someone occasionally gets eaten.We tried to figure out the plot but the film gives you no information about anything. The only reason I know his name was Colin is from the name of the movie.

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Paul Andrews

Colin is set in London where a mysterious virus has been been bringing the dead back to life as flesh eating zombies, the city is in disarray & panic. Colin (Alastair Kirton) is an ordinary bloke, unfortunately Colin's been bitten by a zombie & thus is infected. Poor old Colin is doomed to die & then come back as a mindless flesh eating zombie. Colin has to adjust to being a zombie & deal with all those nasty humans who try to kill him, this is his story...This English production was shot, edited, written, produced & directed by Marc Price & I am finding all the positive comments absolutely baffling as Colin is surely one of the inept & tedious films ever made. For a start lets a get a couple of things straight, Colin is not the first film to be told from a zombie's point of view neither it is the first film to try & create sympathy for it's flesh eating undead despite what some may say. Where to start? To be fair the concept of a zombie film told from a zombie's perspective is cool but with such a low budget & very little talent on show the concept was doomed to die as we get endless scenes of Colin stumbling about doing nothing in particular. Occasionally Colin meets some humans who are being attacked by other zombies or are themselves attacking zombies, we never meet anyone or learn anything about anyone or the situation they find themselves in. Colin doesn't seem to take sides, neither the zombies or the people are seen as heroes or villains either way. Nobody says a sentence for like half an hour into the film, Colin doesn't speak until the very end in which he has a flashback revealing what happened at the start which should have been at the start rather than the end as it might have made us relate to Colin a bit more or emphasise with his transformation from ordinary bloke to mindless zombie. With zero character development or any sort of plot other than Colin wandering around the odd London street it's hard to see why Colin is getting so much praise. It's not a study of society in a crisis situation as we never see the wider society, only a few random people & the subplot about Colin's sister taking him home goes nowhere & like everything else here feels like padding. At over an hour & a half long Colin surely is one of the most uneventful & dullest films ever released, no character's & no plot basically add up to one long bore where the initial intriguing premise becomes old after about two minutes.Right, rumour has it that Colin cost £45 to make (about $72) & all I have to say is where did all the money go? Obviously shot in people's houses & without permission on a council estate somewhere (central London is never seen) on a crappy hand-held camcorder (I think my Samsung Wave mobile phone HD camera can record clearer & sharper video than seen in Colin) Colin looks awful in every aspect. From the terrible lighting to the annoying shaky camcorder crap, whenever anything happens on screen it seems like it was shot by someone have a seizure or epileptic fit since the jerkiness is truly hideous & serves no artistic or practical function. There are scenes that are so badly lit, so dark & so shaky that it's literally impossible to tell what's happening, that cannot be right & Colin is just one long eyesore. The make-up effects are poor, there's some fake blood splashed around & some bits of meat probably brought from a local butcher for the zombies to chew on but there's no proper special effects here.Probably edited on a PC or in camera Colin really is nothing more than a home movie, & a bad one too. Colin is a mindless zombie so the guy playing didn't have too much to do, the odd person that pops up are pretty terrible.Colin is a film that I hated, I thought it was an ugly eyesore of a film that bored me to senseless & wasted a potentially decent idea. Maybe with an actual budget & actual filmmakers at the helm the concept may one day be turned into something good. Despite all the glowing praise I struggle to find one aspect of Colin that I liked.

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