Code: Debugging the Gender Gap
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap
| 28 January 2016 (USA)
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap Trailers

At a time in the United States when the tech sector outpaces the overall growth of the employment market, CODE asks the important question: Where are all the women?


The basic premise of this documentary is the glaring under-representation of women on the world of computer coding. This theme expands to include other minority groups, such as Girls, Girls from the Inner City and members of LGBT. A balance of history and factual persuasion throughout, the viewer is given an immediate heads up as to the significant but untold contribution of women in the history of computers and computer science. As for the boy dominated geek world of the 70s, 80s, 90s, through today, it is a reminder of how poorly mannered and perverse the modern "look at me" media world has been all along. My favorite parts come when I see young girls encouraged to understand and appreciate how much they have to offer the world.

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The film was very informative, it did help open my eyes to a problem that exists but it did not ever say that there was a need for women(or anyone) in the computer science industry at this time. The film never stated a solution to the problem either. It would have been nice to know a little more about the industry versus this one problem the industry is facing.

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This film helped explain the gap in the coding industry that I was unaware of. Coding is such an important part in the world today and will benefit from an increase in knowledge and pursuance from both male and females. I feel women have the opportunity in this field but can be presented with bias and challenges while on the job. With experiencing this, it can affect the number of women present in the field. I hope the word of computer science gets out more and even more women can reconsider this career that had declined with female workers in the past.

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This film touched on different issues. It allowed us to see what fields were needed and how women are for filling these positions. It gave us an overview of what coding is and how it is needed. Coding is an important part of our day to day living and will be a field that will always need people. This film also shows how women are starting to dominant certain fields that use to be known for men. Overall, I believe this film touch on many issues that women face when it comes to a man dominating workforce.

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