Cell Count
Cell Count
NR | 20 May 2012 (USA)
Cell Count Trailers

Russell Carpenter reluctantly admits his wife Sadie into an experimental treatment facility for her life threatening disease. While locked in this prison like surrounding they, along with 6 others, are unknowingly subjected to a cure that might just be worse than the disease itself

Jacob Whitt

Let me preface this by saying that I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I went in expecting a thriller, not a horror, and it actually quenched my expectations fully and with a little bit of horror tossed in on the side it made for a pleasant viewing. And from the reviews on this site I honestly wasn't expecting too much. But I've experienced this kind of incongruity on IMDb time and time again. Great film, terrible reviews.I'll start with it's strongest point which is the story. The story is absolutely fantastic and was presented almost flawlessly. You can feel the misdirection, as thick as arctic sea smoke, which is the key signature to a thriller's atmosphere. It'll start asking you questions that you didn't even know you wanted to ask. There was not a single moment when I felt I knew exactly what was going to happen next and yet everything was still easy to follow which, IMHO, is where most films (in this genre especially) go wrong. Even to the very end you're still asking questions but if you payed even a modicum of attention you'll understand everything just fine.The acting was decent. Some parts were a little weaker than others mostly due to underacting in a few scenes that involve gore/action, which detracted from the experience but considering that we're not talking about million dollar A list actors the performances passed my own personal 'litmus test' and I consider it quite nominal. One scene in particular will linger in my mind as the most outrageous and yet most underacted scene in film history due mostly to the writing rather than acting oddly enough. Came across a boorish sight gag to me.Cinematography and editing was well done. The special effects and CG left something to be desired but I'm sure it was a matter left to budget rather than talent or design/concept.Don't follow the 'advice' of the other reviewers. This film is much more than the poor (and poorly written) reviews it's received thus far. Watch it and expect an independent film that will delivers a clever story not as a premium blockbuster the AAA studios churn out.

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Robin Stubbe

I like the poster, but it promises something that this movie does not deliver. The movie is very slow, almost like an art-house movie. But it isn't one.It's very boring for the first twenty minutes. And just when you think that is going to change........it doesn't. It's not scary at all, and it has some really old stereotypical characters (like a doctor with a German accent)I managed to sit through the first 45 minutes of it, i should get a medal for that. I've given it more then one chance. But it was all just a disappointment. The actors did their best (the main characters, i believed in their fictional marriage)but when you have a script this bad that doesn't help much. I will not remember this film for very long. It made absolutely no impact.

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Keeping in mind that directors are limited by their budget, I thought Todd Freeman did a good job working with what he had. I enjoy movies without all the CG and huge explosions. This was a sci-fi thriller with a few gory parts added for effect. I would have liked to have seen a more concrete ending as I am left wanting more, which I believe was the directors intention the entire time. I agree with the previous review in that Hollywood ought to give Freeman a budget to work with and make a feature film. His directing is quality work and this movie was well acted while developing a bit of back story for the characters to make them more likable in the end. I would look forward to Cell Count 2. Bring it on.

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I really liked this film! has got to be one of the strangest films I've ever seen.. in the vein of cube, exam, shadow puppets, but definitely stands on its on. same kind of independent feel, with unknown passable actors, but the story is so good and intriguing you really don't care. my only complaint is i would like to see more choreographed action sequences. some still camera action sequences is what kept me from giving this movie a higher rating. but its still a mind bending sci fi trip for sure! fair warning, this movie is extremely bizarre, and you have to just ride it like a roller coaster and ask questions later. Im hoping to see another film from these guys :)

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