Catch of the Day
Catch of the Day
| 01 January 0001 (USA)
Catch of the Day Trailers

Within a small country town, people are disappearing without a trace. It's up to one big city detective to discover if they're simply runaways or if there's something much more sinister at work.


These filmmakers are really talented, that is one thing I can surely say, They know how to make something literally out of nothing. These guys do it time and time again. They can be a studios and producers best friend and even more so a dream. They know how to get the most out of what they have (which is nothing mind you). These young filmmakers are smart, talented, innovative, and creative. They can compete with big budget films and they are doing it on a level that is so minuscule. They are about quality and that is exactly what "Catch of the Day" is. This movie was made on nothing in a very tight time frame and after watching this picture is really seems quite the contrary. Beautiful cinematography, great direction, and editing combined. These guys are getting better and better and I can't wait to see what they can do with some investments in their projects. This film is has much more depth then most low budget horror films and that says something. They are filmmakers, they aren't just trying to slap something together to say they did something. Their passion, drive, and execution is second to NONE!

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Anna Salvadeo

Very well made fun film! This movie was done on no budget and looks as if it was done with 70,000 to 100,000. Very creepy, FRESH concept, interesting journey. It is somewhat of a short feature but you get a lot out of it. Film was made completely in under a month and it does not show. Acting is good and each character is unique and stands out. The film moves and doesn't seem to drag on. It is tasteful. This film is not your normal horror, although disturbing- it is more of a drama/thriller. This is one of those B horror movies but with a point and not cheesy, they did a very nice job making it seem real and not overdone. There is story as opposed to some other b horror films. I would recommend people to see this film if they enjoy thinking a bit once the film is over. Very disturbing but fun.

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Catch of the Day has all of the conventions that you would expect any classic horror film to have. Violence, gore, shady characters, and just the right amount of intrigue. Imagine The Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Saw II and you will have a good idea of what this movie is about. The filmmakers have a ton of talent and are just waiting to be discovered by Hollywood! This absolutely engaging film that they were able to produce on the most minuscule beget imaginable is simply outstanding. What makes this film a cut above the rest is that it has a teal emotional center that most horror films seems to insist on not having these days. Great film!

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