Careful What You Wish For
Careful What You Wish For
R | 10 June 2016 (USA)
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A guy gets more than he bargained for after entering into an affair with the wife of an investment banker. Soon, a suspicious death and substantial life insurance policy embroil him in a scandal.

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I went into 'Careful What You Wish For' not really knowing what to expect. Often when thrillers cast non-actors (often musicians) in their lead roles they are trying to garner some publicity and cover up a weak script. So I was surprised to find myself genuinely enjoying it. The acting wasn't all that bad and Nick Jonas carried himself well especially. Isabel Lucas also impressed me. She has a mysteriousness about her that worked perfectly in this film. The story was patient and building, while never becoming stale or boring. It had a couple of nice twists to keep things exciting and really ticked all the boxes a thriller should.The plot has a bit of a "seen it all before" feel about it. There's no question Hollywood is lacking originality and 'Careful What You Wish For' does nothing to expel those claims. The ending (after the twist) also came up seriously lacking, showing perhaps a touch of laziness on the writer's part. Those faults aside though it really isn't a bad little watch. Don't be put off by the casting of Jonas, give it a shot and you'll be pleased you did.

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First, let me tell you that wishing for this movie to be good will be of no avail. There's no reason in hoping for a satisfying thriller like this one seems to claim, because doing so will only lead to a massive letdown.CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR's biggest flaw is neither its premise nor its narrative. There's a lot to negatively comment about those two areas, but they're still much more tolerable than the movie's horrible casting. None of the actors are able to serve the requirements of their roles, and while their characters hold promise of being interesting, none of the performers could actually pull them excellently, even to a tolerable level. Their dialogues and the overly familiar plot, are partly to blame, but it so difficult to jump to that part when the first thing that can be noticed is the horrible designation of the actors to roles utterly unsuited for them. There's this evil psychopath named Elliot who never really brings as much threat as he is required. Letting Isabel Lucas play a role that doesn't fit her age is perhaps the biggest mistake in the casting. Even with her capacity fully stretched, Lucas is never able to get halfway meeting all the demands of her character. Her character, Lena, is supposed to be a devious and cunning femme fatale, Isabel Lucas is plain boring. Almost the same can be said with Nick Jonas, although it's really hard to say his role's totally garbage, when almost half the time he's confused and waiting for a good line to throw. If it's any consolation, there's a lot of skin shown here, and I'm pretty sure Nick's fans as well as Isabel's will be pleased. Other than that, there's really nothing to expect.It is really difficult to follow the narrative's flow when all that worries you is whether the characters are still going to be something interesting or not. The plot isn't new either, and it still could have been interesting, if the characters are played the way they're supposed to be. These flaws accrue to an overall feeling that is neither good nor okay, much less satisfying. Albeit cliché, CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR could have been an enjoyable experience. There is so much to mine in its premise, but its terrible casting paralyzes the movie and made itself incapable of digging such potential. The result is an overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction.

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ultra lame dialogue, wholly implausible but predictable plot & characters combined with anorexic female leads ... the film manages to be neither suspenseful nor funny and lacks any potential to be even slightly charming. the attempts at eroticism fail utterly due to the bland visuals - and the participants remain seriously overdressed for the occasions(they probably thought it inadvisable to show more than a glimpse of the female's emaciated shoulders and legs, let alone much else) - that set up leaves not much for actors to act in any meaningful sort of way, which they really do splendidly; this film gives bad story telling as well as bad film making a bad name ...

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If you're a boy teenager with a hard-on, go for it - enjoy the shower scene, especially.If you're a juvenile looking for mild mental stimulation with one eye on another screen, it's passable. If you're as old as I am then you'll quickly suss this is a regurgitated plot based on the classic film 'Body Heat' (1981) with William Hurt and Kathleen Turner. I continued watching just to see how close to the wind they sailed. And yep, I suggest you cut your losses and immerse yourself in the original.Plus ça change ...

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