Cannabis - Probieren geht über Regieren
Cannabis - Probieren geht über Regieren
| 07 September 2006 (USA)
Cannabis - Probieren geht über Regieren Trailers


I suppose it helps a bit if you know a little about the Swiss political system: The 7 main ministers swap the job of President among themselves but, probably uniquely, are able to take the tram into work.Here we have one of these ministers, very firmly right-wing, whose attitude to the "drug problem" is to ban everything completely (well, not far from the actual situation). Imagine how he fells when diagnosed with a medical condition whereby, to avoid going blind, he is advised to consume Cannabis. Hah! His encounters with the 17 year old hash-head (superbly played) who ends up supplying the stuff, are indeed a bit clichéd, but amusing nonetheless. His political career doesn't do too well out of it, but a happy end comes despite that.

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