Bukowski: Born Into This
Bukowski: Born Into This
R | 18 January 2003 (USA)
Bukowski: Born Into This Trailers

Director John Dullaghan’s biographical documentary about infamous poet Charles Bukowski, Bukowski: Born Into This, is as much a touching portrait of the author as it is an exposé of his sordid lifestyle. Interspersed between ample vintage footage of Bukowski’s poetry readings are interviews with the poet’s fans including such legendary figures such as Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Joyce Fante (wife of John), Bono, and Harry Dean Stanton. Filmed in grainy black and white by Bukowski’s friend, Taylor Hackford, due to lack of funding, the old films edited into this movie paint Bukowski’s life of boozing and brawling romantically, securing Bukowski’s legendary status.


I'd never heard Bukowski speak before. I'd seen the pictures and read the words. This hard-nosed writer surprised me as a very soft spoken, very sensitive artist. His intimidating face became friendlier and friendlier to me as the film progressed. With this movie, you get to see a lot of interview footage and a lot of personal commentary from close friends. You get your heart tugged at when his childhood is filled in for you. You laugh at his wit while handling interviewers. And you probably get thirsty looking at all the wine and beer he drinks. The only thing I didn't care for about this was the ever-so-pompous Bono sharing his 2 cents.

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I highly recommend this unique masterpiece. Hank was even more lovable person in live than I expected.When the documentary ended I was very touched. Even a couple of tears on my cheek. Those might be caused by wine a drank while watching this hypnotic film. But anyway if you are not familiar with his work it's about time to read one of the greatest writers within this genre. Lots of rare material (at least here in Finland) and even a short interview with his daughter Marina. As a dilettante's summary: a must for anyone ever read Bukowski and for others hopefully a trigger to start right away.Don't try, God bless.

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Sandy Loam

The film making wasn't great. I could care less about Boner or Ramona's ex husband, and their designer glasses. And even less about the boring 60's montage over that awful jefferson airsuck song. He is great though. The movie was pretty long (over 2 hours) but I could have kept watching for hours. It's great just to hear him talk. He's totally honest and charming and sincere. This is a great companion to the book Bukowski in Pictures. Together they probably give you a good picture of what the guy was really like. I really don't have much to say other than if you like Bukowski, you have to see this one.

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This Documenty just increase my love for the man. The poet drags you into his life and shows you some of his behind the seens life and gives you a glimpse of the "bluebird" in his heart. Combineing newer footage along with lots of black and white film of a 70's documentery crew, interviews and some readings. The film also interviews people close to 'Buk' such as his last wife, his co-worker at the post office and also famous friends such as Bono, Sean Penn, and Harry Dean Stanton. If you get the chance to see this film, don't hold back. I hope to purchase the dvd soon. Not sure of the release date, but as charles says "You may have my soul, but, I have your money."

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