Bug Bites: An Ant's Life
Bug Bites: An Ant's Life
PG | 29 October 1998 (USA)
Bug Bites: An Ant's Life Trailers

Thang, Rose and Didi help the young Queen Jo build a new ant hill while avoiding the sinister geckos and keeping Sal Caterpillar out of trouble.

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Just a great movie. Had some strange and disturbing parts, but was just an entertaining movie to watch! It had great animation, good characters, and a fantastic plot! Let's hope that more movies like this come out!

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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Bug Bites: An Ant's Life" is a 25-minute animated short film written and directed by Michael Schelp. It is an American English-language production and the title already tells you that this film intended to shamelessly cash in with the success of "A Bug's Life". This would have been fine actually if it still had been an individually creative production, but it is no such thing. The graphic side is abysmal. And it is bad to a level where it leaves a really bad note on all the other aspects too. One example would be when we hear a bug eat a grass leaf I think, but we see that his mouth isn't even close enough for eating. Still we hear him chewing. This is just one example where the animation destroys the story and there are several other moments where it is just not working out. Actually, it is difficult to understand the plot at all because of this major deficit. Schelp has made several other films that are heavily connected to successful animated movies, but this one here has to be one of the worst for sure. Still, there is one aspect that is okay: the voice acting. You cannot blame the cast list for anything that is wrong with this movie. But they cannot save it either because there is so much else wrong here. Stay far far away.

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Tommy Wiseau

This sequel to A Bug's Life was by far superior. The animation style was flawlessly done, with voice acting that left A Bug's Life in the dust. Michael Schelp did a spectacular job with Bug Bites, and your children will love it. It would have been better, though, had Tommy Wiseau directed it. Claudine Ohayon as Thang deserved an award for voice acting that rivals Dave Foley's role as Flik. You don't like this movie? Then you can go f*ck yourself because this is greatest artwork of all time. F*ckin' 1v1 me if you think otherwise. My Xbox username is xXPu55yD3stroy3rXx, so if you got sh*t, you can fight me. Comment, Like, and Subscribe for more amazing content. Tomorrow we will be doing a review of The Amazing Bulk!!!~With Love, Tommy Wiseau

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That it is a blatant rip-off of A Bug's Life, but with none of its great entertainment and charm, is the least of Bug Bites: An Ant's Life's problems. Of all the animated mock busters, this has to be one of the worst of those not with Video Brinquedo or Spark Plug Entertainment's names on them, it is atrociously bad and has no redeeming features whatsoever.What was especially bad here was the animation. Quite frankly it is some of the worst computer animation I've ever seen, on par with the worst of Video Brinquedo and Spark Plug Entertainment. The character designs are creepy-looking, with the worst case being the geckos(designed in a way that doesn't ever blend within the colours and the background), there is absolutely no detail, smoothness or depth in the backgrounds, instead everything looks blocky and sparse, and the colours have no vibrancy and look incredibly flatly textured instead. The music is intrusive and has no sense of pace to it, not really gelling with the rest.In Bug Bites: An Ant's Life, the script-writing is incredibly lazy and doesn't even try to make sense. While the target audience situation is nowhere near as bad as it in in A Car's Life and most of the Video Brinquedo output, Bug Bites: An Ant's Life has very little appeal for children(except for maybe the very little) or adults, adults especially will find it insultingly juvenile and children may find themselves squirming in their seats from how much boredom the story has. The story in Bug Bites: An Ant's Life is so bland and tissue-thin that it doesn't feel like there is one, a lot of scenes needlessly stretched with dialogue that has no relevance and only there to pad the running time. Apparently, this is the shortest animated mock buster, being twenty five minutes, but you wouldn't think so because it really does not feel that short(feeling over twice as long).The characters are insufferably annoying, with the ants adding very little charm or personality and the geckos aren't sinister whatsoever, the chemistry between them aimless. The voice acting is even worse. All the ants sounded disengaged and like they didn't care about the situation they were in and did the geckos really need to speak in that grating monotone and croaky tone all the time? In conclusion, atrociously and irredeemably bad. 0/10 Bethany Cox

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