Brooklyn Bound
Brooklyn Bound
R | 14 April 2005 (USA)
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Sean deals drugs but can he prevent his younger brother from following in his footsteps?


This is a great independent film. As a novice on independent filmmaking it is quite inspiring to see the talent of the entire cast & crew with such a low budget to work with. The film has managed to capture the true street environment and was largely filmed in East New York, which takes quite a bit of balls. It allows the viewer to experience scenes in some of Brooklyn's roughest housing projects, and has the gritty everyday drama for survival mentality. The acting is top notch, and the storyline is realistic due to it's simplicity; this is just a great overall film. I would compare this movie to another excellent yet underrated film called New Jersey Drive. My rating 8 out of 10.

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This movie is overall a decent film. No big names, I only happened upon it cause Dean Winters is in it. The films main focus is on Sean, who is a drug dealer who sells drugs to take care of his mother and brother. The story doesn't focus a lot on plot, more on the lives of Sean and the people who are close to him, like his brother(whose trying to get involved in his brother's work), and Sean's best friend Rob (who owes money to gangster Dean Winters). The story has good character development, a few good fights, and a nice atmosphere. The problem comes in at the end. I won't go into specifics at the risk of ruining the film, but there were too many questions that needed answering. I still give this movie a solid 6/10, but it could have been a 7/10 if not for the ending.

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This film is one to stick with you for a long time. The brief, yet intense scenes, constantly engage the viewer. Causing an almost (not to sound juvenile) interactive experience. It was a film in which any turn was unexpected.In the end character development was the one that blew me out of the water.To see the depth of these characters, only enhanced by phenomenally cinematography,slowly developing and changing throughout the film. All in all a real down to earth, organic, non-forced film.

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Brooklyn Bound is an excellent movie. One should not mistake its decidedly unflashy tone for any shortcoming in technique. Its writer/director Rich Devaney knows what he is doing. No knock on The Man but it is incredibly refreshing to see a movie about a conflicted criminal that doesn't rip off Scorsese. Shot in East New York projects, pre-hipster Williamsburg dive bars, tenements and one luxury high rise that seems just as squalid, Brooklyn Bound teams with life own, full of vivid, human characters, humor and menace. You don't have to be a fan of Fresh or Superfly (though both are good movies) to enjoy this movie. It's real, it's compelling and I'll be thinking about it for a long time.I'm a movie snob. And I'm really looking forward to whatever Mr. Devaney does next. He really knows how to tell a story with a camera. He gets great performances out of his mostly non-actor cast and he doesn't coopt one frame of his story to show of any of the superb filmmaking technique that he surely possesses. The events of the movie are tinged with a senselessness in the best sense, a film with a big heart that gets broken.

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