Britney Spears: Live from Miami
Britney Spears: Live from Miami
PG | 28 March 2004 (USA)
Britney Spears: Live from Miami Trailers

Broadcasted live by Showtime, Britney Spears performs tracks in support of her fourth studio album "In The Zone" alongside her biggest hits at the America Airlines Arena in Miami.


definitely the best Britney spears for all of you who say she lip singing all the time thats not true, Britney only lip singing boys hit me baby one more time I'm a slave 4 you hook up breath on me, the rest she singing live.the songs are toxic showdown crazy oops i did it again me against the music etc. She put a lot of soul in this concert we can see that she is having fun like in the firsts three tours. she will definitely going to comeback even better and sang all songs live. Britney you rock your the best performer ever please comeback son your fans are missing you and your wonderful voice your the best. Britney 4 ever

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Travis (travisvincent)

First off, let me say Britney is no Madonna, i saw the Blonde Ambition tour and the girlie show in fact, all of Madonna's shows and Britney looks to be taking a few cues from Madonna herself. The masturbation scene on the beds was a direct copy of Like A Virgin, the bathrobes? taken from Material Girl. as for her singing, Ms Britney didn't. it appeared she sang one song but that was just wishful thinking, the lip syncing was bad,i understand lip synching but at least try to sing along. the show itself was eye candy, well produced, the sets were very nice and the costumes and dances were top notch, however, when one has a mediocre talent, one needs pomp and circumstance. Yes, Madonna has been known to lip sych ch but 90% of her shows she sings live and guess what? Madonna cant sing either but she still makes the attempt. overall its a good show for the visuals, oh, and that fat drag queen? bad decision. he ruined the show (i assume she was trying for a the clown Madonna used in the girlie show, which also was a bad decision) in my opinion one should see the blonde ambition or the girlie show and then watch Britney and you'll see what I'm talking about. now, comparisons aside, Britney had a strong array of songs at her desposal and the way she (her manager, tour director) brings the songs to life in a nice way. she is trying to give you a great show and manages to get the, as i've said before, the visuals and dances down (nothing inventive here though, standard routines etc). The tour itself was a huge project for her and it didn't sell out a lof of shows, in fact, by the time she was in her second week of touring, a lot of her shows weren't even close to filling to capacity and as a result, slashed some performances and tighted the show up, when this proved fruitless, she injured her knee and canceled the tour (odd how she was up and running less than 3 weeks later, some knee injury) If Britney is smart, (which she hasn't proved to be yet) she will retire for a bit and hopefully the audiences hearts will grow fonder.

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First and for most I must say that Britney Spears: Live From Miami was the most awesome concert i've ever watched on TV. What makes it even better was I got to take part in it and see her in concert later that year. This concert shows some of the most hardest dance moves i've personally ever seen, and her music is great, and her being up there performing was just mind boggling. I couldn't help but take my eyes off of her for even a second. Below is a list of some of the songs that were performed that evening. P.S. The special effects were awesome! Toxic-Best Dance song of them all! She really had everyone going when she performed this. Not only that but she looked amazing in the black cat suite and blue cape she was wearing.Shadow-My personal favorite performance of the evening.The outfit Britney choose for this song was what i'd have to say the most beautiful dress i've ever seen. It was just beautiful how she hanged up in the air on that swing!Props to Britney for going all the way up in the air and not being afraid of heights.Me Against The Music(The Remix)- Being Britney's first single, Featuring Madonna, from her multi platinum album, In The Zone(that has sold over 9million copies so far)was the grand finale and this song got the biggest applause i've ever heard.Britney had one a red spandex suite as well as a little hat tilted to the side and she looked hot! We were all really pumped for this one.Every time-Personally this is my favorite Britney Spears song of all time! To sit their and hear her sing it, and play it on the piano, was well worth the $75.00 to go see her. This performance was beautiful.Breathe On Me- Wow what can I say....This performance was...very...HOTT! Seeing Britney up close and in lingerie and on a bed seducing a man was probably all the little boys dreams come true.Something else that might catch ones interest was when Britney open mouth kisses the man whom shes seducing. After this performance I think she made a lot of little boys, men! Showdown-I was disappointed with this performance honestly. It's an awesome song but she didn't really seem into it as much as the other songs. But all is forgiven when at the end of the performance Britney jokes "Are you feeling lucky boys? I might just marry you." Pooking fun of her Las Vegas nuptials that was later annulled that only lasted a whopping 55hours! Outrageous-Britney definitely brings a new meaning to the word "Outrageous" when she walks out in a trench coat and lingerie, dressing for the song's steamy lyrics "We all over here, up in the World Premiere, TRENCH COAT AND MY UNDERWEAR, let's go with this freak show it's Outrageous." Crazy(You Drive Me)- Britney performed this song and she was a trooper as she did it! Adding an updated version to the song with new heart stooping beats and funky vocals, Britney get's a definite 2 thumbs up for this performance, as well as many others.Overprotected- Also another one of my favorite performances of the night. An updated theme of the hit "Overprotected" had everyone singing at the top of there lungs and dancing! It was also very neat when Britney performed this song on top of what looks like it could be a Hotel suitcase holder.Baby...One More Time-While performing her first hit, "Baby...One More Time", Britney had the stage set up to look as if it was a Caberea Club. And giving it a little bit of 50's style in the vocals, Britney also wore a cute little, pink, outfit, that matched the performance as well.Oops!...I Did It Again- Being Britney's biggest hit to date, "Oops!...I Did It Again",was given a new twist and had an Africian sound to the song. She sure likes to change things up a bit! Boys-Britney seemed to enjoy this song as well as she performed it! Britney wore a black catsuit while she performed this song and danced her butt off while she did it! I'm A Slave 4 U- A huge Britney dance hit, Britney took the dress off of what she wore while she was performing Every time and had a little jungle theme going on which meshed with her vocals and the song very well.Boom Boom(I Got That)- This is one of my all time favorite Britney tunes! Britney wore Navy Blue cargo pants and a ripped one piece swimsuit underneath that was pink.(which showed)Britney looked as if she really enjoyed herself as she performed this song, the audience did as well.Despite the mixed reviews that this concert got,it still was truly amazing and what in my opinion I would have to say would be a PG-13 rated concert. But really only because of one song. (Breathe On Me)Remember to get Britney's latest album, Greatest Hits: My Perogative which is in stores now! REQUEST BRITNEY'S LATEST SIGLE, SOMEDAY (I WILL UNDERSTAND) ON THE RADIOS NOW! -Aaron

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Britney Spears' 4th Tour in her 8 year reign of being one of the most sold out stars this century has done it again with a spectacular way. When i heard she has a tour coming, i was anticipate to see it. Since I live in Singapor, well, you'll get the picture. Anyways, the tour opens up with this fat guy introducing in an obnoxious way - GOd that guy sucks though. Then the dancers come down - then the music starts with ' toxic ' - wasn't sure if she was lip-syncing this song since she was standing up nearly half the song but i guess she was like always. In toxic; i like the way she made her way down and dance with the ' AHH '2 part.. heehaw! anyways, then came ' overprotected: dark child remix' - wasn't into the song but she lipped the song - but u cant really tell though. After the song ended, she talked to the audience telling how great to get back into touring - she was breathless the whole time - like she's been really tired - Then came ' BOYS ' feat Pharrell - he wasn't there of Cox but his voice was. It was quite different from her ' Dream within a dream tour'. The fat guy comes again talks ab it then came ' showdown ' one of the new songs from her ' In the zone ' album. This performance was great as Britney dances more with her dancers and well lip-syn-ch the song. Britney took a break after that; while the audience had to enjoy a video clip of Britney walking out of the club with her friends and spotted Mrs. Smith who she thought is someone else who invited her to this place in which she sang ' Baby One More time ' in the jazz rendition - It was lipped though it was a nice remix to it- i can daresay its much better than the original version. ' Oops!... i DID it again ' - jazz remix was the first song she sang live for this concert - her voice isn't that good and its not even bad. She can sing is just that she dance a lot n refuses to sing all her songs live. Next came the original version of ' Crazy ' - lip. She introduced her band n said she'll probably marry one of here audience - that is so yesterday. Next came ' every time! ' she sang this live and it was quite beautiful with her playing the piano for awhile and walking around. She sang ' The Hook up ' and ' Slave 4 u ' after that. A video came up with 2 security guards spying on hotel guests! - sexual thing comes up here! She Sang ' touch of my hand ' - only the chorus was sang. It was shot in a way in which we only could see barely an inch of Britney - because of TV-14 policy! it was considered rated R! She was dress completely skinned like type complete with diamonds so it was considered nudity! aha! It was a great performance - its the only you'll see Britney in a tub. ' Breathe on me'was next! one of the hottest performance and she sang 1/2 the song; Outrageous came next! LIPPED! I got that boom boom was next - she sang alm0st 1/4 of that song! and Me against the music came next - if you wanna see it - see the MTV performance, its exactly the same And it ended!Overall: I'm happy that Britney sang at least LIVE for 5 for her songs! Its an improvement from her ' DREAM WITHIN A DREAM TOUR ' in which she only sang 2 of her songs live! It was a great concert and its a fun show for all Britney fans! I rate it a 7.5/10!

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