Brain Twisters
Brain Twisters
| 01 February 1991 (USA)
Brain Twisters Trailers

Employees of a software company discover a conspiracy to use the games made by the company to control the thoughts of its customers.


Brain Twisters is regularly featured in the multiple movie sets produced by Mill Creek Entertainment box sets. Those sets, while great, are always a mixed bag. They range from cult classics to the unwatchable. I expected to find this entertaining for reasons the filmmakers never intended, but I was pulled into the film's plot. While hardly without flaws, the story is interesting and well constructed, you want to discover what's going on. All the actors put in great, fun performances. A real highlight is Terry Londeree, who's look reminds me of a cross between Ben Afflack and Kevin Nealon. While hardly a subtle performance, adds a ton of B-Movie appeal to this film. Highly recommended for fans of strange, entertaining B-movies.

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Silly me, I thought that "Blood Trails" was the worst film that I'd have the misfortune to watch today. But lo and behold, here comes "Brain Twisters" to again prove me wrong, oh so VERY wrong.This relatively bloodless tale of an insane scientist (but aren't they all) who's experiments with a video game make his student subjects into mindless murderous psychopaths, has nothing going for it. Insanely bad acting, and horribly disjointed storyline that at times I think was merely jotted haphazardly on paper cocktail napkins. This stinker not only scrapes the bottom of the proverbial barrel, but permanently resides there. It can't get much worse than this.

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About the only redeeming thins about this movie is Farrah Forke, from Wings fame, is in it. The guy who plays the professor is not a very good actor. He does get the smarmy, superior academician snobbish down very well. The professor is doing psycho experiments on some of his students that cause them to go nuts when they see flashing lights and kill innocent bystanders. Terminating the experiments which have been funded by some corporation the professor is in turn terminated a further into the film. There is a detective who is investigating some of the murders/suicides and starts dogging the prof. Then the FBI gets involved, he keeps his investigation going and gets suspended for two weeks. The corporate exec that is masterminding the cover up gets killed by one of the experiments. I don't know this a pretty uneven and poorly done movie. Why was it made? Who knows, someone with more money than taste? Wil;l I watch it again? Oh, Hades no!!!

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I think the other reviewers have been a bit harsh. Yes, there is little blood and no nudity whatsoever. Yes, the execution is pretty tame. Yes, there are plot holes you could drive a truck through.But the outcome might have been different, had the movie been produced by others. The story centers on experiments in non-surgical neurological rewiring, disguised as a college professor's lab experiments. A chilling concept, when you think about it: the ability to transform just about anyone into a murderous pawn, without drugs and without surgery. (Echoes of The Manchurian Candidate, no?)Unfortunately, the creators never fully follow through on this, or several other plot threads. We never learn the true purpose behind the experiments (funded by some sort of biotech company). How is the detective's partner drawn into the conspiracy--mind control, or just a hired gun? The feds are brought into the case, and take over the official investigation...but it's mentioned once and then abandoned. The professor clobbers a bouncer with a beer bottle (oh, he going to become a killbot himself?) but nothing comes of it.I've seen some real clinkers from Crown International (Malibu High and Cindy & Donna come to mind), but Brain Twisters at least has the germ of a contextually plausible story.And that's what kills me: it may have been a lack of writing and directing talent, of money, of time...but I think the basic concept of Brain Twisters is solid, and could resonate today. Conceptually, it's not a big jump from mind control via video games, to mind control via Fox News (or MSNBC, depending on your own political persuasion).Oh, what might have been...

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